You can also buy the guy's book. Seeing as he is is supposed be off-planet by the end of the week, I'm wondering what he intends to do with the profits.

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We cry out to the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

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Or a Dashboard Buddha?

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i said this a while back but the arrogance of the righteous is truly breath-taking.

his protective Hand from America?!!?!??!

blow me.

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Now, <i>I'm not saying</i> God caused all these disasters because he's mad at us for sinning, but <i>isn't it interesting</i> that European countries are way more secular and they seem to have escaped God's recent wrath?

Hey, wait a fucking second...

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When God taps his foot, we experience it as thunder.

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Weird how God's methods are indistinguishable from the laws of physics and probability. You'd think an all-powerful being would kinda sorta let his/her presence be known from time-to-time. Like by making a cure for some disease simple appear one day. Or end a war. Or make some Xtian behave like one.

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God used to throw down lightning bolts with surgical accuracy. He does seem to have become rather ham-fisted of late.

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Jah is everliving, everlasting, and everloving, but has terrible aim sometimes.

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A great plague of low density lipoproteins and diabetic neuropathy shall smite them in their recliner chairs. Eventually.

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You'll notice that the weather doesn't seem to be much of an issue when high school football season kicks into gear, and God is busy picking the winners and losers based on which teams beg him the hardest.

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A whole lot of churches seem to have been decimated by the severe weather, as well. Why were these churches allowing, no, <i>encouraging</i> men to suck other men's cocks in the choir room?

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Since the idolized 1950s when none of these awful things happened, we have had few lynchings, can prevent or treat all manner of diseases that once decimated swathes of the population, my daughter can go to pretty much any university that she qualifies for, and I can work outside the home without my husband's permission with black, Asian and Hispanic students and colleagues. If that constitutes removal of God's protection, keep up the good work.

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If something good happens 'God answered your prayers'. If something bad happens 'it was God's will'. The Cosmic Dice Roll is hard to predict.

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How da flood get dere? How dit git dere?

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