What mental illness is that you feel compelled to take a digital image of everything?

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She's mad because the police aren't hurting the people they're supposed to be hurting...

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TBF they're pretty tough to locate in Grand Junction. At less than 1.1% of the population Blacks are even outnumbered by Asians who have a sizable 1.24% share. Mixed comes in at 2.4, making it the second largest demographic.

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She assaulted a law enforcement officer and they released her at the scene. Just want to make sure I read that right.

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They didn't throw her to the ground and kneel on her neck for 9 minutes?

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Again, these unhinged MAGA people are simply bugnuts. I had a deposition once with a very unstable man who was being sued for rear-ending a young woman. He would later be arrested for stalking her, when he followed her to a movie theater and was spotted wandering around the lobby watching her. Police asked him for his movie ticket, which he did not have, and asked what movie he was there to see, which he could not answer. I was afraid to be in the same room with him, and my firm at that time was representing him. During his deposition he slammed a tape recorder down on the table and pressed record, while announcing “I’m recording this!” All the while, a court reporter was transcribing the dep word for word, which even a lunatic like him should have understood. It’s hard to accept just how troubled many people are. For some reason they seem drawn to Trump. Moths to an orange flame I guess.

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It's from "Dark Mirror."

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the veritable tale told by an idiot.

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Heard of Dark Mirror, but haven't watched any of it. Am I correct that that's "The Mother" from How I Met Your Mother? (I only watched a few random episodes, and don't remember the name of either actress or character.)

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I gotta say, I am a white guy but I wouldn't kick a cop for any delusional reason. I wouldn't expect to be released on bond, either.

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The Important Point: She is white.

I'm not sure about her victim (also white?) but stalking always takes precedence over the rights of the victim. It's in the Second Amendment.

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I kicked a cop and I liked it....

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I understood that reference.

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Kicking a cop is so 8th grade, like something you do after getting caught shoplifting at Spencer Gifts

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Well,that was most excellent.My first song of the day,Thank you for sharing that.I know that song well.

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I have been there, it's comfortable, looks like the inside of a house, couches, wood chairs, and stuff. Can't remember if I had a bagel, but coffee was tolerable!

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