I wished these people would move to Israel, where Jesus actually lives, but they'd counter that as the New Testament made the Old one obsolete (except for the gay-bashing in Leviticus) God writing the U.S. Constitution made America the New Promised Land. So we'll never be rid of them. And that's why God created the OLD SOUTH!!!

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<i>He’s also a member of the neo-Confederate League of the South and a good old white supremacist, too.</i>

I'm pretty sure that rabble-rousing for the south to try and secede again is quite a bit more disloyal to America than anything found in a science book.

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I don't really get that it's "6000 years old" shit, and why they stick by it so much. I mean, can't a smarter and wiser Creationist (I know, right?) say that maybe a few pages of those begats went missing because "Jews stole them" or something, and just point at the Big Fucking Bang as the moment of creation?

I mean, scientists have pretty much found the before-creation and after-creation energy signatures. It's kind of like there wasn't anything, then there was a universe, which certainly matches up better with their stories than "oh, no, its all NEW because some Middle Ages monks -- who didn't even know of all the land masses on the very planet they lived on -- did some 'math,' and ignore all that carbon dating stuff because you weren't there, duh."

It seems like they're relying on some pretty shaky shit in the first place and all their hard work to pretzel everything around to adhere to some "literal interpretation" is doing the opposite, and instead draws every single tenet of the Bible into question.

I say keep it up, Team Creationists, but leave the Constitution free of your greasy fingerprints. It surely doesn't need your kind of help.

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The DH is an abomination, created from the belly of an over weight pitcher by demonic forces.

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I dunno, Wonkerados, this guy may be on to something with his anti-evolution theory. He seems to be living proof.

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You mean auto-tuned like T-Pain or just auto-tuned to keep the singer on pitch? 'Cause the first one might be fun a couple of times.

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Not only are you right, but the DH isn't mentioned in the Constitution, either, too.

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I would be happy to get rid of 'God Bless America' during baseball games. Also, if MLB requires the national anthem to be sung at baseball games, have someone sing the national anthem, not some bastardized version designed to show off the singer's warbling skills.

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All men are slime. Just ask all my ex-girlfriends.

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I'm glad you all did not post this in 2011! There was too much headdesk back then for this.

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And if you don't feel like taking the bus, you only need to look at the comments section on any YouTube video, CNN story, Washington Post column, etc etc. But not Wonkette because it does not allow comments.

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That just means more royalties for Neil Diamond.

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Gots too many vowels to be Czech.

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Stand your Black Lagoon!

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"Such an intuitive leap must indicate my superiority of understanding The Way the World Really Works, not that I am a garden-variety crackpot like all of you."

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As is the case, it's another post-9/11 thing. And believe me, if you don't stand and at least pretend to care, you will get an earful from the folks around you come the bottom of the 7th.

Fun fact: From 2001-2008, if you went to Yankee Stadium security would prevent you from moving from your seat while the song was playing. That only stopped when some fans sued.

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