We're gonna stick it to big pharma by refusing their vaccine. Instead we'll just take the regeneron made by... big pharma...

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Dennis Prager poses one of the most severe tests to which my good will has ever been exposed. I really think of him as one of those Christians who had better be praying that there is no god.

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He’s lying along with Candice.

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So his "logic" is to deliberately get COVID so he will get the resulting natural immunity that will prevent him from getting COVID. Which is harmless anyway.

No wonder I don't understand radical righters. That's not logic; it's gibberish.

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Also, getting measles has the side effect of erasing your immune system's memory of other diseases you've had, thus making you vulnerable.


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Kinda like "Russian Roulette", but with a virus.

Good luck with that, Dennis...

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Oh, virtue signalling. Pure virtue signalling.

Something they profess to hate.

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Prager is a known, documented liar. That is all.

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I guess I'm a monster, as I hope he does get covid permanently.

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And... he's a nidiot.

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Compare his affect in the Fireside video with the current video. He's really sick and trying to fake it. Given long covid (if he survives) he's headed for a world of hurt.

Since he was likely able to infect others before he displayed symptoms, he may have infected others who then further spread the virus. Quite possible that Mr. Morality winds up killing a few folks.

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He's not a Christian but he is a shanda.

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I was surprised over the weekend to see at the corner of a street around a big hospital complex, a sign with an arrow that said: Regeneron Treatments. I guess I didn't really understand that it was a big thing that you don't get from your doctor.

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It never ceases to amaze me how these dicks can't connect more than one dot.On the one hand they are all about cutting "wasteful" spending, yet it's perfectly fine to have the govt. spend $2,100 per person on treatment rather than $20 for a shot.

Oh, and apparently I'm a monster unlike Wonketteers. I would prefer this turd to croak. That would be one less spreader of bullshit in this world.

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The light is on but nobody is home. Somebody please turn off his light

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Is shanda a synonym for shitshow?

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