But never for Céline Dion! Quelle merde!

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If those whom I referenced remained within such a rational mindset, all would be well and redeemed.

That will NEVER happen.

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This will put a damper on future or current research applications. Will the idiot suddenly pull it?

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Of course not - the House of Rep has the purse strings - he can't pull shit

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Kendzior said Pelosi was paid off by Trump to make sure impeachment would never happen. She's a grifter.

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These patriots, David Fucking Brooks? https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Ta, Dok.

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That's not the Center, David - you have to call a far right-wing stooge a far right-wing stooge. These are not good people. They want their new Civil War.

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Yes, and even so, even D-day would have been a dead loss for the Allies if Hitler hadn't been so insane (refusing to prepare, refusing to send Panzers, contradicting his own generals over and over). The insane always do themselves in. Thank goodness.

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It shouldn't be ignored that the Chinese party is tolerating if not encouraging conspiracy theories that claim the US created the virus. It's really reached a point where the reactionary/ nationalist elements on both sides could cover for each other.

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Fifteen kids on Long Island, really aren't all that important, in the face of Republicans losing power.

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Let's agree to agree, that they BOTH have extremely punchable faces.

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I'll drink (not bleach) to that!

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How would any president have been better than Trump in this crisis? Because fighting infectious disease, like fighting cancer, requires international cooperation, the worst thing one can do is this kind of racist nationalistic BS.

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"I've been hearing about that"

Isn't it just inspiring how the President gives the image of leaning over the fence and gossiping with the neighbor and coming back with "Brad Pitt broke up with Angelina Jolie? I've been hearing about that!"

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