Or, Freudian slip: "drunken fuck monkeys"

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cesspool on the Potomac- we're talking about Politico, right?

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Drunken Yuck Monkeys with special guests Hick Ducking Sonkeys

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Judging by the way that article "finished up" with people prancing off to slap balls three ways at the bathhouse, all of his rage against "evil" and "libertines" and "gay marriage" involves the fact that the yelling of "Fuck Obama" made him unable to think about anything except "fucking Obama."

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Could be worse. Could be dancin'.

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Oh yeah -- they're always so surprised.

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Rule #1 of Republican values: Republican values are imposed on <i>other</i> people.

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Actually what they have there is much closer to feudalism. With a royal dynasty, a small courtier class, a large warrior class and a nation of serfs.

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GOP logic- start with the preferred conclusion then work backwards changing facts to fit

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because blah Muslin=not real president

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W and his puppeteers were never ever deciding which laws to ignore and which laws to enforce.

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You know, I thought such self-righteous prigs were only found in bad rip-offs of <i>Animal House</i>.

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"The battle is between good and evil."

People who see things this way always imagine that they're on the good side.

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Hint #1: they call it "Racquetball"

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Drunken Yuck Monkeys- Alex Turner's less successful side project

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Only a fucking rookie gets an inward facing atrium room at a hotel- especially at a Gaylord property. They're all noisy as hell...

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