... well, it could've been the bad acid that showed up from time to time (strychnine, anyone?), which could go a long way in explaining what appears to be some sort of brain damage.

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... no, but if you ask him I'm sure he will tell you he played tambourine on all the hits.

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... like, crazy, man! Razz my berries!

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... it's a "Fox Business" Network in the same vein as a "Fox News" Network... i.e. they are neither by any definition of the words Business or News. It's even a stretch to allow them the Entertainment designation they hide behind, and if it weren't for The Simpsons and a handful of noteworthy sit-coms (e.g. Married With Children), they couldn't even claim that. Of course, you could always watch the FBN in order to determine what not to do with your money - assuming you have any to play with.

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... about that forced cable bundling... they tried that in Canuckistan and were told, no, you can make yourself available as a subscription channel and that way the capitalistic market will work its magic to determine your success (or not). AFAIK, they haven't been terribly successful - imagine that!

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... for the plebs, no... for the others, see Callyson below. Sure it's a double standard, but it's a standard at least.

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... "read my Playboy interview!" - to me, out loud. Because I can't read. And because I can barely remember doing the interview, my giddiness at being noticed was just, you know... so overwhelming.

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... at last, a reason to defend Climate Change! (you go with the outcome you have, not the outcome you wish you had)

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... nothing good has come of it so far, and I expect it will get much, much worse. The freaky ones have always been out there - but now they have the internet and corporate media to give them a soapbox and a megaphone instead of the street corner most people could avoid.

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... my peace sign on a leather cord has come in handy on a few occasions. Garotting is something anyone can learn. Oh wait... would have come in handy - you know, if I wasn't a peacenik.

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... "I'm bad enough, I'm stupid enough, and doggone it, nobody likes me!" - Fux Nooz Daily Affirmation.

(with apologies to Stuart Smalley)

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... it's always worked in the past, hasn't it? That's what I was told - and continue to be sold - so, there must be some truth to it, no? Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to reply to a Nigerian Prince who wants to send me money. He seems trustworthy...

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... way back in the olden days (pull up a chair, kids)... my neighbourhood gang had a tattered paperback we passed around - The Erotic Adventures of Lucretia Borgia - a thoroughly salacious and titillating tome (which had the advantage of being more-or-less historically accurate). Naturally this was something we hid from the parents and only read in the privacy of the bedroom... or bathroom. Mostly the bathroom. After that came Lady Chatterley's Lover, Portnoy's Complaint, The Persian Boy... and then we found Penthouse Forum. Sure, we knew those stories were just the most fantastic flights of imagination, and while we couldn't do much better in our own prose, we could certainly relate to them - in the most seminal way.

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... they do if your keyboard is all covered in... you know. Page Up - Page Down - Refresh - and -> / -< keys won't work. Even a hard shut-down is no use. I heard this from a trusted source. Honestly.

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... true enough. However... there is some disagreement where the brain resides - vis-a-vis men vs. woman - both sexes use their head, but in different ways.

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... yeah, it is. But it's a niche thing. So far, only Republicans seem to get off on a mind-fuck, but if corporate media has anything to say about it, the rest of us will have no choice but to submit to the same.

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