They don't call ol' Sup the Man of Steel for nothing.

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I love how conservatives, idealists that they really are, only get worked up about metaphors, ideas (yes, even stupid ideas are still ideas) and the non-existent. They're never concerned with reality or practicality at all.

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OMFG! I'm not gonna stop giggling for at least a week. At least we learn the REAL problem with the movie: Nicole Kidman's "breasts or legs never once fill the screen."

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If fictional characters weren't important to these people, they'd have nothing to do on Sunday.

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In the DC comics Universe, Superman IS God: ultimate moral arbiter of the universe, loves everybody but always willing to punch 'em, etc. Like that Jeebus guy but clean-shaven. How we got this from "leaping over tall buildings and punching choo-choo trains, I dunno.

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This is the worst thing DC Comics has done to America since they elected Lex Luthor US President. No, I'm not going to link to it.

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All their talking heads sound like Woodstock to me.

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Today's Ziggy has a Man From Washington coming up to the Zig and saying, "I'm from the government and I'm here to implant this microchip in your brain." Really.

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Meh...boycott away. Superman is a <a href="http:\/\/superdickery.com\/index.php\?option=com_content&amp\;view=article&amp\;id=29:fathers-day&amp\;catid=28:superdickery&amp\;Itemid=54" target="_blank">dick</a>

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<a href="http:\/\/i1115.photobucket.com\/albums\/k551\/denniverse\/superman_illegalalien.png" target="_blank">Yes.</a>

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Truth, Justice, and the *American Way.

*Do you know how many people you could have billed for "services rendered," Superman? We have fire departments who'll let your house and pets <a href="http:\/\/www.msnbc.msn.com\/id\/39516346\/ns\/us_news-life\/" target="_blank"> burn to the ground</a> for non-payment nowadays.

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Well I hope Charlie Brown helps Snoopy puts on his WWI ace cap and goggles and strafes Swamp Fox Press or whatever the name of this tin-foil hat Gutenburg is. While Snoopy's at it, maybe he can air drop Lucy at Wasilla Rose's domicile and be a guest co-anchor on Faux news.

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Ronnie Raygun?

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<a href="http:\/\/www.opposingviews.com\/attachments\/0009\/4211\/Obama-superman.jpg" target="_blank">Also.</a>

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This reminds me of TP'ers dressing like Revolutionary era historic figures. Or the guy running for Congress who had actors portraying George Washington et al and saying "Ready your armies" or some horseshit. Or when Donald Duck encouraged people to pay their taxes to finance WWII. Oops, that's probably not what they want to hear. <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watc..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJ69X1qt4sQ&fe...">http://www.youtube.com/watc...

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Which was even more hilarious considering <a href="http:\/\/radioviceonline.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2010\/02\/capt-america-tea-party.jpg" target="_blank">Captain America wasn't even the one that said what pissed them off</a>.

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