"In the slammer" probably somehow appropriate.

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You just can't get to obscure at the Wonket.

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This was a webcast? Doesn't the Family Association of Families for the Family know anybody with a program on the tee vee? Because I'm sure the FCC would have no problem with airing, say, an hour-long special with Pastor Butthurt McAssholeson and his obsessions. With pictures. Videos, even, would be helpful, for demonstration purposes. Anybody who wasn't going to be home when it aired could set the TiVo, again, obvs, just for reference later. Not in the bedroom or as a marital aid or anything, just for research.

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Hey now, I had an RX-7, with the large rotors, in the early '80s, and it was by far the best car I've ever owned. Admittedly, I wasn't doing autocross.

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"They love to disguise their activities with euphemisms."

Sorry Mr. Scarborough, but that is butt another example of how teh gayz are <i>just like everyone else.</i>

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He should have topics to oral--fun for straight and gay.

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I get the feeling he doesn't spend nearly as much time obsessing about female butts.

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At least he’s not saying really offensive stuff like wankel rotary engine

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As a Gai who hasn't done teh buttsexx in a long time, I too long for an end to euphemisms; for example, do you know what people REALLY do in the "bathroom" or "restroom"? Hint-- it doesn't involve bathing or resting!

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I typically go to hear the stories of Jesus riding to victory through Jerusalem on a T-Rex, but I suppose maybe buttsechs stories might change things up a bit. To each their own...

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<a href="http:\/\/fc03.deviantart.net\/fs71\/f\/2013\/143\/2\/f\/cock_goes_where____by_arrkhal-d669rw0.png" target="_blank">Here's a little present for the next time this comes up</a>. Which it will.

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Their husbands are too. This seems never to occur to all the gay-obsessed preachers.

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He should start hanging out at Wonkette. The topic of buttsechs has been lacking of late.

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