But would you <i>defend to the death</i> Orsi&#039;s right to spout such nonsense? (Given the quality of his discourse, I&#039;d be tempted to draw the line at a paper cut.)
That is an excellent, and concise, way of putting it. Some differences are not worthy of being demonized. I hope I didn&#039;t portray it as blanket acceptance; I was trying to present that as one of the extreme alternatives.
With all due respect (which is considerable, because I have seen many of your comments here), fuck off.
There are, I&#039;m sure, intolerant hippies. Having been a tolerant hippie for some years (some years ago), and knowing plenty of them, your anecdote strikes me as a serious over-generalization.
Orsi is a visiting dolt at the for-profit-from-wingtards Ave Maria School of Law, where he evidently doesn&#039;t meet the dubious qualifications for an actual faculty position. (In the language of the 47%, he&#039;s crashing on their couch until he can land a real job.) Ave Maria itself holds the dubious distinction of simultaneously being among the lowest-ranked and highest-tuition law schools in the nation. Consider the source, is all I&#039;m sayin&#039;.
Ave Maria Law was founded by Thomas Monaghan, of Domino&rsquo;s Pizza fame (what is it with Republicans and pizza magnates, anyhow?), to advance a Catholic-flavored version of Protestant/fundie legal wingnuttery (read: Liberty &amp; Regent Universities.) You would think that Georgetown, Loyola, Fordham, etc. would be up to the job, but evidently those commie-socialist Jesuits aren&#039;t pushing the agenda. Monaghan the businessman may also have identified a ready market among conservative-but-not-so-bright lawyer wannabes.
The rent in Michigan was too damn high, and/or the Michigan A.G. took an interest in the operation, so Monaghan carted the whole circus down to Floriduh, where the school is a shining beacon of the wingnut/fraudster culture, and attracts <a href="http:\/\/abovethelaw.com\/2012\/01\/ave-maria-school-of-law-student-accused-of-attempted-murder\/" target="_blank">the finest of young conservative minds.</a> If they didn&#039;t exist, Carl Hiaasen would have to invent them.
Sheesh. What&#039;s an editrix supposed to do when two posters go postal on each other?
But would you <i>defend to the death</i> Orsi&#039;s right to spout such nonsense? (Given the quality of his discourse, I&#039;d be tempted to draw the line at a paper cut.)
The video of that event will richly deserve the mst3k treatment.
<a href="http:\/\/news.yahoo.com\/blogs\/lookout\/ex-fema-director-michael-brown-criticizes-obama-reacting-202803013.html" target="_blank">Not everybody is impressed</a>.
(Warning: swallow coffee, prepare to facepalm.)
Finally back? I was about to have a snarkeurism.
The Wonkette got Sandyfied!
Some days you get lucky....
That is an excellent, and concise, way of putting it. Some differences are not worthy of being demonized. I hope I didn&#039;t portray it as blanket acceptance; I was trying to present that as one of the extreme alternatives.
And this is why &quot;tolerance&quot; is still a worthwhile concept.
<a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=nI9Nbt7oJG0" target="_blank">This. </a>
With all due respect (which is considerable, because I have seen many of your comments here), fuck off.
There are, I&#039;m sure, intolerant hippies. Having been a tolerant hippie for some years (some years ago), and knowing plenty of them, your anecdote strikes me as a serious over-generalization.
Oh, hey, Dok.
I don&#039;t give a fuck about Ziggy or ponies, but if you veer towards B.C. we&#039;re gonna have words.
What the fluck?
Orsi is a visiting dolt at the for-profit-from-wingtards Ave Maria School of Law, where he evidently doesn&#039;t meet the dubious qualifications for an actual faculty position. (In the language of the 47%, he&#039;s crashing on their couch until he can land a real job.) Ave Maria itself holds the dubious distinction of simultaneously being among the lowest-ranked and highest-tuition law schools in the nation. Consider the source, is all I&#039;m sayin&#039;.
Ave Maria Law was founded by Thomas Monaghan, of Domino&rsquo;s Pizza fame (what is it with Republicans and pizza magnates, anyhow?), to advance a Catholic-flavored version of Protestant/fundie legal wingnuttery (read: Liberty &amp; Regent Universities.) You would think that Georgetown, Loyola, Fordham, etc. would be up to the job, but evidently those commie-socialist Jesuits aren&#039;t pushing the agenda. Monaghan the businessman may also have identified a ready market among conservative-but-not-so-bright lawyer wannabes.
The rent in Michigan was too damn high, and/or the Michigan A.G. took an interest in the operation, so Monaghan carted the whole circus down to Floriduh, where the school is a shining beacon of the wingnut/fraudster culture, and attracts <a href="http:\/\/abovethelaw.com\/2012\/01\/ave-maria-school-of-law-student-accused-of-attempted-murder\/" target="_blank">the finest of young conservative minds.</a> If they didn&#039;t exist, Carl Hiaasen would have to invent them.
Personal fave: &quot;Come back when you have a warrant.&quot;
<a href="http:\/\/www.amazon.com\/High-Cotton-Whom-Barks-Doormat\/dp\/B0018AIQ8Y" target="_blank">And this one too. </a>
Remarkably enough, this tune is exactly as comprehensible as American death metal. In fact, it&#039;s functionally identical.
Hey, I&#039;ve been in garage bands.