It would be neater if she married a man whose last name is Hole.

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I'm glad that someone else saw this as well. I was worried that it was just me. Clicking on the picture brings up a popup that shows it a little more clearly.

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"Newly Found Paper Reveals Butt Issues With Santorum."

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When my left knee was wrecked back in the distant past, the osteopath who diagnosed the problem was one Dr. Joynt.

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I am earnestly hoping this woman does not have middle school-age children. Because if their existence isn't hellish enough already, what with being named "Butt" and all, this logo is going to ruin their lives.

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this feels like deja vu all over again:https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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She should meet some guy named Dumbass, I think.

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"Erect Me!"

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National Association for the Advancement of Wang Photos?

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O.T., but I heard an interview with a musician who had a Cajun sounding name-can't recall it-who wanted to title his new record with an anagram of his name. The only one he could come up with was "Violent Douche".

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If your courthouse tower lasts more then 3 hours, call a doctor.

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I thought she named her after her favorite Starwars character, Padme.

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"What's all this talk I hear about Legislative erections?"

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Sheila Butt! Wiping the floor with her competition!

The government has been shafting you! Try Butt, for a change today!

Vote in Butt! She knows how to get rid of all the waste!

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Are you sure it's not the Kochsucker?

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Common taters left this one for me? Yay!


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