Gone in 60 seconds. Which was furious but not fast enough.

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The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.

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I think he adequately revealed his inner boob.

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"Free To Be .... what I want you to be"

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Unfortunately, the guy this fuckwad wants to replace is <i>already</i> a robust legislative shitmuffin.

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Hope not, because according to <i>Starship Troopers</i>, he's not allowed to vote, much less run for office.

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His only response will be to double down on the ponies though.

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Actually, it's Derpy Libel, but she's not exactly canon.

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the wingnuts just love to mangle Heinlein

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Reality is just a crutch for those who can't handle drugs

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Srsly, the response Dok called "concise" is a joy to behold.

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"Free", "Opportunity" and "Small Government" may or may not mean the exact opposite of what they usually mean, according to McCall. It may have something to do with whether he's using them in reference to a corporation...

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Reddit's <a href="https:\/\/github.com\/reddit\/" target="_blank">source code</a> is open. The moral perjority may need a dirty web hippie to configure it for 'em, but they wouldn't have to code their vile copy.

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You're too nice to him, really. So thoughtful.

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"Someone help him - he spoke French!"

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Ask me Anything - Kinda like a town hall, only you can't pack the hall with supporters, plant generous questions, or ignore topics you don't like.

So pretty much the opposite of the RNCs plan.

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