For a large fraction of the mouthbreathing demographic, the actual text of these articles is what you might call the "fine print".

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That's exactly right. I don't want my fucking news asking me questions, it's their fucking job to give me answers!

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I do have 2 Obama bumper stickers on my truck so I may get by.

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The order permits the federal government to <i>identify, assess, be prepared, improve the efficiency, and foster cooperation</i>, something that wingnuts themselves claim the government cannot achieve.

Nothing to worry about here.

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This is Obama Martial Law... being white is NOT going to help. Being a pinko, on the other hand, might be helpful. Scrub the Stars & Bars bumper sticker off your pickup truck, and you'll probably get by.

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The objective Right Side News (the Right News for Americans) explains what is different in this update of previous executive orders:

<i>The original "National Defense Resources Preparedness" executive order (EO 8248) was issued back in 1939. This latest version is very similar to EO 12919 that was signed by Bill Clinton in June 1994. However, several very important changes have been made in this new version.

For example, in Section 201(b) the words "under both emergency and non-emergency conditions" have been added.

So now the federal government can take control of all food, all energy, all health resources, all transportation resources and "all other materials, services, and facilities" in the country even if the United States is not experiencing emergency conditions.

Not that the Obama administration really needed to put that in there. After all, the U.S. government has been operating under a constant state of national emergency since September 14, 2001.

So the Obama administration did not really need to include a new excuse for taking control of everything. The existing "state of emergency" would probably work just fine.</i>

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What's next? Sheer InSannity introducing "Convicted felon Col. Ollie North?"

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Where would we all be without the Sludge Retort? The ClusterFox talking heads just wouldn't know what to talk about.

$10,000 sez both Sheer InSannity and Off-the-Mark Levin play the Scare Game game - without WingNutz' Daily's voice of reason.

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Obama issues new Executive Order: Business as usual.

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TEA PARTIES Are for little girls with imaginary friends.

-Bumper sticker wisdom

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What WND fails to <strike>realize</strike> report is that Clinton, and Bush, and Eisenhower were all white.


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In the plus side you speak the English good. On the minus you work in a field traditional aligned with communists and the gayz.

Could go either way for you.

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Because of the martial law, the government made them insert the facts. Which only proves that they're right!

Wingnutty thinking is fun, once you get the hang of it. Ҙº

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