Allah willing, we are very near the end of the news cycle for the outrage over President Obutthole insulting all of civilization by not going to Paris for this weekend's anti-terror unity rally because he’s secretly an Islamist clearing the way for Zombie bin Laden to conquer Europe and establish the caliphate argle bargle glurrrrrrrrrgh.
Somehow I&#039;m thinking that <i>maybe</i> The Commander In Chief, the Attorney General, DOJ, State Department, Secretary of State, and all their staff, etc., might have been occupied, doing something something, concerning figuring out ways to help out the French security people and maybe Interpol by looking back over a fuck ton of telecommunications and internet data and whether any of the known suspects have had any, oh, I don&#039;t know, telephone calls with foreign nationals residing here in the US and maybe, just maybe finding out if there are any sleeper cells getting ready to blow something up like maybe the Washington Post or NYTimes or Rockefeller Center?
But hey, that&#039;s just me. Obviously Obama should totally devote all his prezinitting time towards meaningless optics and declaring all the Missions Accomplished&trade; just like the &quot;Moar Stupider&quot; Bush Brother did. That&#039;s what real preznitting is all about.
Remember when dissing the President during wartime was a sign that YOU WERE WITH THEM, and AGAINST US? Particularly over matters visible on the World Stage?
Yeah, fuck you Wingnuts.
You&#039;re so terrible at everything, you&#039;ll violate your own so-called principles at any hint of an opportunity to bash Obama. Don&#039;t elbow ISIS too much while rushing to get to the front of the Criticize America line. What&#039;s that? Oh wait! Remember when you insisted the two were virtually inseparable? America, and The American President?? Especially &quot;during Wartime&trade;&quot;??
Of course you don&#039;t. You&#039;re gross. You&#039;re deranged. You believe you&#039;re patriotic, somehow, by tearing down the leader of our nation. Because of course, the rules about that? Conservative CalvinBall. There aren&#039;t rules, there are only pointy insult-sticks to be jabbed at your political enemies! GO TEAM INSULT! YOU CAN SAVE AMERICA BY SHITTING ON THE LEADER OF IT! In a totally different way than our sworn enemies, because, uh, CALVINBALL!
It&#039;s <i>almost</i> like you are stone-cold admitting your previous wails deflecting criticism of GW Bush by playing the &quot;It&#039;s Anti-American To Criticise The President&quot; card were <i>just so much total bullshit.</i> Just more of that pointy-stick CalvinBall, yes?
It&#039;s sad that it says oh-so-much more about your craven lack of principles than any punches you think you&#039;re landing on Obama.
So, keep it up, nasty gross opportunists. Nobody even notices! You&#039;re winning and stuff! GO TEAM INSULT
<a href="http:\/\/\/news\/politics\/texas-congressman-labels-obama-worse-hitler-article-1.2076035" target="_blank">The apology</a> is possibly even more stupid, which is a signal accomplishment even for a Congressman from Texas.
Nah. That&#039;s pretty much wrong as well. A more honest way of saying it would be &quot;This is Fox Just-Make-Shit-Up-As-We-Go-Along-And-Call-It-News&quot;.
Or another of the wives.
Somehow I&#039;m thinking that <i>maybe</i> The Commander In Chief, the Attorney General, DOJ, State Department, Secretary of State, and all their staff, etc., might have been occupied, doing something something, concerning figuring out ways to help out the French security people and maybe Interpol by looking back over a fuck ton of telecommunications and internet data and whether any of the known suspects have had any, oh, I don&#039;t know, telephone calls with foreign nationals residing here in the US and maybe, just maybe finding out if there are any sleeper cells getting ready to blow something up like maybe the Washington Post or NYTimes or Rockefeller Center?
But hey, that&#039;s just me. Obviously Obama should totally devote all his prezinitting time towards meaningless optics and declaring all the Missions Accomplished&trade; just like the &quot;Moar Stupider&quot; Bush Brother did. That&#039;s what real preznitting is all about.
I clearly remember Merkel yucking it up with BLM agents during tense moments of the Cliven Bundy stand off.
Those jokes get <strike>panned</strike> panzered.
The SPCA, regarding the reports that there was a dead dog in her closet.
Richard Nixon and Nguyá» n VÄn Thiá»u
Outrage du jour.....
&quot;Obutthole&quot; - LOL Good one.
Rick Perry went to Paris (TX) and looked very extremely presnidential for the event. But there was no event there.
Mademoiselle Peggy we have no fine French wine for yo,u you drunken slut qui
Remember when dissing the President during wartime was a sign that YOU WERE WITH THEM, and AGAINST US? Particularly over matters visible on the World Stage?
Yeah, fuck you Wingnuts.
You&#039;re so terrible at everything, you&#039;ll violate your own so-called principles at any hint of an opportunity to bash Obama. Don&#039;t elbow ISIS too much while rushing to get to the front of the Criticize America line. What&#039;s that? Oh wait! Remember when you insisted the two were virtually inseparable? America, and The American President?? Especially &quot;during Wartime&trade;&quot;??
Of course you don&#039;t. You&#039;re gross. You&#039;re deranged. You believe you&#039;re patriotic, somehow, by tearing down the leader of our nation. Because of course, the rules about that? Conservative CalvinBall. There aren&#039;t rules, there are only pointy insult-sticks to be jabbed at your political enemies! GO TEAM INSULT! YOU CAN SAVE AMERICA BY SHITTING ON THE LEADER OF IT! In a totally different way than our sworn enemies, because, uh, CALVINBALL!
It&#039;s <i>almost</i> like you are stone-cold admitting your previous wails deflecting criticism of GW Bush by playing the &quot;It&#039;s Anti-American To Criticise The President&quot; card were <i>just so much total bullshit.</i> Just more of that pointy-stick CalvinBall, yes?
It&#039;s sad that it says oh-so-much more about your craven lack of principles than any punches you think you&#039;re landing on Obama.
So, keep it up, nasty gross opportunists. Nobody even notices! You&#039;re winning and stuff! GO TEAM INSULT
The only thing Fox News gets right is when they say &quot;This is Fox News&quot;.
<a href="http:\/\/\/news\/politics\/texas-congressman-labels-obama-worse-hitler-article-1.2076035" target="_blank">The apology</a> is possibly even more stupid, which is a signal accomplishment even for a Congressman from Texas.
Nah. That&#039;s pretty much wrong as well. A more honest way of saying it would be &quot;This is Fox Just-Make-Shit-Up-As-We-Go-Along-And-Call-It-News&quot;.
A little ajax and elbow grease will get the dactyls right off those crusty feet.
I&#039;m so confused. I thought they hated the French.
Did they expect the President to go to Paris to celebrate the death of Freedom Hating Frogs?