with votes dammit.

Personal note about Joe Lieberman. He is still my Senator for a few more weeks. Here in Connecticut it's hard to even cross the street what with all the Joe-mentum on pavement. Yuck.

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But since the elder Phelps spawned 13 children, the odds were at least one would not be a Mini-Me.

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<i> "... if you look at the data from the Bible..." </i>

There's nothing like biblical "data" to settle a debate between two of America's most insane religious goofballs.

Watching this will make your brain hurt ... and it's not just from the violent face-palming.

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<i>As we at Wonkette are obviously a pro-family, conservative Christian news establishment ...</i> And a mommyblog. Don't forget that. Also a WARBLOG!. Too.

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Only a pinhead doesn't understand "Gay" isn't a sexual orientation - it's a philosophy.

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We went through the same thing. At least we still had Elton John and Freddie Mercury.

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Abraham Lincoln pointed out God must love fools, because he made so many.

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Talk about your cheap dinner dates...all you can eat for about ten cents.

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You beat me to it! Any group that just hates on gays 24/7 has a full closet.

Memo to the Phamily Phelps:

Don't come home early from work. You may not like what you find going on in the bedrooms.

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Sorry to hear about you losing your dog! Bandit died on Mother's Day and we now have Toby, but we still miss him lots and lots.

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Now I'm more confused. Does God love Jewish fags?

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Maybe he was making air quotes when He said "Neighbor". There's no way He meant that to be so sweeping as to include the <i>wrong</i> kind of neighbors.

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Also a fitting opening for Dickember.

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<i>we cannot even agree on the best way to hate the gayness.</i>

I believe Miss Manners did a column on that.

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I'm still trying to figure out how the connection carrying those video streams didn't fucking melt down from cray cray overload.

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Wait, I'm confused. Which is worse, Gay or Jewish?

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