I think that color is no longer available, even in South Africa.

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I'm holding out for "Burnt Norton".

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He's got that old Algol Rhythm.

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And it's labeled "Mailman".

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Yeah, and "white-out" came in all the colors glasspusher mentioned.

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So will they be sad iffin I color the babby jeebus any thing but caucasin pink

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Millions?! HAH. As best I can tell from WND, there billions in the State Department alone.

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They need to balance this with a box of special colors for Christianists. My personal favorite is Sins of the Flesh.

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It's like One Shade of Gray.

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"Ten things you'd rather do than write a screed and find an entertaining picture and wry alt-text for your blog post."

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I don't hear these wingnuts complaining about the <a href="http:\/\/materials.nrahq.org\/go\/images\/detail\/EE12475-detail.jpg" target="_blank">NRA terror coloring books</a>.

Or the <a href="http:\/\/www.newsmax.com\/getattachment\/97056a22-5ab8-4560-bfd5-e76aac2219f4\/TEA-Coloring-book-01.jpg.aspx\?width=300&amp\;height=204" target="_blank">Tea Party Democracy Haters coloring book</a>.

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Maybe we could get some posts about Butterstick.

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This whole no-picture with funny alt-text/no "read more" link/only the briefest of summaries thing?

Not really doin' it for me...

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When will Crayola come out with a Santorum crayon for those of us with the latest RNC coloring book?

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Next they'll be packaging a whole rainbow of colors in one box to celebrate teh gayz.

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