While you were all enjoying your Sabbath day of rest, the Washington Free Beacon -- the digital equivalent of Sunday paper circular ads you toss in the trash without looking at them -- was breaking a HUGE SCOOP!!!!!
I wish the Teabaggers would continue to hate Alinsky. Sadly, a few of them seem actually to have read his book and noticed that it has some mighty useful stuff in it.
Good job! Create confusion and insult everyone. Then you won't have to discuss the impact of SA on Hillary. She obviously worshiped him as you can tell by reading her senoir paper. He was an evil person who believed in manipulation over truth. Which is the path followed by the writer of this rag hit piece.
I worry a lot more about buttoned-down tightasses who never had an impure thought in college than I do about whether somebody who is now famous sent a letter to someone who was then famous, when the now-famous person was 23. It's the impure-thought lackers who turn into right-wing rage monkeys, who strike me as a lot more dangerous than Mrs. Clinton.
And while I'm on the subject - can we please, please, please stop using just her first name to refer to the woman who was a First Lady of the United States, a Senator, and the Secretary of State? If her name were Abraham or even, Gawd forbid, Sean, she would receive at least the minimal respect of being addressed by her last name, with or without a title. It is a pernicious and persistent way of - I don't want to say belittling or demeaning, so let's say diminishing - a woman in the public sphere.
There seems to be a rule that architecture departments always have the ugliest buildings on campus. It's good to see Yale is adhering to that tradition.
photoshop or it didn't happen
you forgot sidewalks and skiddles
I wish the Teabaggers would continue to hate Alinsky. Sadly, a few of them seem actually to have read his book and noticed that it has some mighty useful stuff in it.
Commie Martyrs.
Long time no see.
A REAL reactionary.
Good job! Create confusion and insult everyone. Then you won't have to discuss the impact of SA on Hillary. She obviously worshiped him as you can tell by reading her senoir paper. He was an evil person who believed in manipulation over truth. Which is the path followed by the writer of this rag hit piece.
Hell, when I was 23 I was a Republican. Ew, yuk, gross.
What matters is that you learned from your mistakes and became a better person.
Shh...no one is supposed to know the Hokey-Pokey is the first step of indoctrination, comrade.
I worry a lot more about buttoned-down tightasses who never had an impure thought in college than I do about whether somebody who is now famous sent a letter to someone who was then famous, when the now-famous person was 23. It's the impure-thought lackers who turn into right-wing rage monkeys, who strike me as a lot more dangerous than Mrs. Clinton.
And while I'm on the subject - can we please, please, please stop using just her first name to refer to the woman who was a First Lady of the United States, a Senator, and the Secretary of State? If her name were Abraham or even, Gawd forbid, Sean, she would receive at least the minimal respect of being addressed by her last name, with or without a title. It is a pernicious and persistent way of - I don't want to say belittling or demeaning, so let's say diminishing - a woman in the public sphere.
I hope my letters to the Editrix don't come back to haunt me some day . . .
Hillary using the USPS to disseminate her War on Kapitalism/White Men/Lord thy GOD - and she only paid 6 cents to do it!! FUTURE INPEACH!!!
A real Amercian who's aware how hopelessly liberal the media is wouldn't need "proof".
Can't we have just one treacherous commie hero or health insurance plan that doesn't already have GOP saliva all over it?
Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary.
Oh, I'm sorry, were you saying something?
Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary.
There seems to be a rule that architecture departments always have the ugliest buildings on campus. It's good to see Yale is adhering to that tradition.