If one faxes a smoking document, and it isn't picked up from the inbox for 19 months, can one still smoke it?

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Yup Chuck, keep taking hits on that smoking document, and then just let yourself go where your mind takes you.

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I want my, I want my , I want my BENGHAZI!!!!!1!!!1!!!11!!!!!1!

Hearings for nothing and your pique for free.

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Singed poultry. One shudders when imagining the friction burns on that poor chicken's ass.

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Oh great, now the apostrophes are displaying in everybody else's non-existent comments that are not allowed as ampersand pound 039 semicolon, except when I paste it like this '

I just noticed this thread is from over a year ago.

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They should beat the chicken and fuck the dead horse -- it would inject a bit of variety into theiir act.

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Forget it, he's rolling.

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I'm starting to think Issa may just be doing this for the publicity, rather than in a meaningful effort to uncover the truth and help our country past a painful episode involving the losses of real human beings.

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Can we wait until Obozo explains his failure during Katrina before we jump to something else.

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<i>and thus told the greatest lie in our democracy since John Wilkes Booth said to a theater usher, “I just need to run inside for a minute, I left my Nickelback CD in my dressing room.”</i>

I call bullshit. Canada had not been invented yet.

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<i>Krauthammer explained that President Obama ran his 2012 campaign on killing bin Laden and putting al-Qaeda on the run. The Benghazi attack ”[undermined] the whole narrative,” so the White House had to “invent the video,” he said.</i>

Wait... so Obama Hussein Blahbama did <i>not</i> kill Osama bin Ghazi after all? I haz a confuse.

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And why Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ignored the "Illinois Senator Determined to Strike in US" memo.

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A secret icebox cell, huh?

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