He just showed the kids, then gave it a burial (I think). Bushies kept the fetus in a jar. I guess you must not have been around when there were all the jokes about Jar-Jar Bush being the smartest brother.

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Has Father Frank Pavone considered joining forces with the Reverend Doctor William Weaver?

I ask because they both seem as if they could use a wee bit of exorcism.

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Even if the video were real, as disgusting as it would be, it would hardly be the argument against abortion that these guys seem to think it would be. Never mind the issue of bodily autonomy, also never mind all the pregnant people who have died because they were denied access to safe legal abortion, even in the case that their life depended on getting an abortion because doctors were too scared of the consequences to perform one.

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What you think they're possessed? Possessed by what exactly? I thought Satan was pro choice. ;)

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Dur. 🤦‍♂️

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That was my mom.

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Actually this 20 week spontaneous aborted fetus looks just like the one "doll". https://www.liveaction.org/...

The other "doll" looked simian, not human.

The only time a fetus is taken apart is when the uterus isn't expelling it (i.e., the pregnant woman isn't in labor/having contractions). As you can see, the 20 week fetus is intact.

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Go to med school where you are in that body 24/7 and you'll see plenty of that. Eventually you start eating next to your cadaver, the smell becomes part of daily life, and particularly around exam time, you don't care about anything.

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Gee, I wonder what they were fighting about. Or if they can even remember.

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Thats horrifying. Burn it with fire!

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I don't buy it for a moment. That people do believe it just shows confirmation bias.

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The fact that we have so many utterly stupid people willing to believe whatever garbage that fits their agenda is just a really solid argument for abortion rights. It’s just so Republican to cry fake tears for all these aborted lives and then vote against EVERY possible measure to make those lives better. I truly don’t understand why Republicans don’t INSIST on more access to abortion, especially for all non-white, non-rich, non-Bible beaters. They are tribal about everything else the moment that poor fetus is an actual born human person. They make bootstraps for babies too, y’all!

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