The GOP sounds a lot like Scientology. When you criticize them they run a smear campaign, when you leave they harass you.

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I have a family member who sadly got diagnosed with cancer a couple months ago. We hadn't heard anything about treatment, so asked why the delay? "Because of Obama". She had to wait 'til January to get insurance on the exchange. Since then her treatment and everything has proceeded apace.

But -- do I have to say it? -- without the ACA she'd have no insurance and absolutely no way to get insurance with such a pre-existing condition. Yet somehow waiting for the ACA start date was Obama's fault.

When Ted Cruz and his cohorts boast about repealing "every word" of Obamacare, they are sentencing some of their fellow citizens to death. They are the Death Panel.

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Heresy against <strike>Big Brother</strike> the Republican Party will not be tolerated. The <strike>Ministry of Truth</strike> wingnut blogs have spoken.

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Dames. They ought to stick with what they know, aka sammiches.

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Isn't all that tax-deductible under "work expenses"?

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That gosh darm Obammycare is going to fuck up everything good and wholesome in the world afore election time

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