I loved you in "Spaceballs".

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I just want to say, thank god that the creepy ass ad with the thingies stuck in some woman's kneecaps has rotated out of view. That shit gave me fucking nightmares, I hope it never comes back. i'd rather see eons of '1 easy trick' flabby bellies than that shit. But, yes, maybe kids don't understand the difference between praying to a imaginary dude they have never met, and praying for/to the president who is all powerful in their minds, and whom they have never met. Maybe

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Nah, I had it easier. When I was 8, Young Handsome Jack Kennedy (YHJK) was President. And since I was attending a RC parish school in a very Irish-American neighborhood* you better believe that we prayed FOR the President every single day.

*Or as my grandfather called it, a "Mick ghetto."

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The ad kind of made me feel all nostalgic for my Catholic school days. Except instead of peas or unpopped popcorn, the ad showed ball bearings.

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Except for the "when you're older" part, I wish I'd made the same video.

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That's the Go-Pee brand ultrasound probe. "We probe because we don't care™"

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The Blaze was also quite calm about <a href="http:\/\/www.theblaze.com\/stories\/2013\/05\/17\/was-it-against-uniform-protocol-for-the-marine-to-hold-obamas-umbrella\/" target="_blank"> Marines opening umbrellas</a>. Has anyone checked if these outbreaks are the work of one rogue employee?

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So the Blaze caters to the non-Alex-Jonesey part of Wingnutistan... Meh.

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It only took me 2 seconds to find <a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?feature=player_detailpage&amp\;v=fxdt_f0hwUg" target="_blank">"Kids Praying to George W. Bush"</a>

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"...not worth all the agita?"

You mean the right wing nutz have been completely wasting the past seven years? That's almost Biblical...

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<i>"What kind of a parent would allow their child to blaspheme God?"</i>

Obviously the kind that lets their child be gay.

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