Black people standing their ground is double racism.

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How much did CRS spend on the Henry Louis Gates incident? Did they buy the beer?

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Did she flash the mob before putting the phone in her bra?

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said before: If Trayvon had shot Zimmerman, he'd already be on death row.

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Somehow, the DoJ doing this seems better than what the police did to the Civil Rights marchers on Bloody Sunday when they tried to peacefully cross the Selma Bridge.

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It's like the canonical opposite of a googlewhack.

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Be vewwy, vewwy quiet...

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So, white people standing up for their rights= the way God intended Black people standing up for their rights= racism!!

Okey-dokey, got it.

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Fuck, if you let those racial agitators get their way, Zimmerman might even be found guilty or something and then what man will feel safe hunting and shooting a kid in cold blood?

Is that the type of America we want to live in, people?

IS IT?!?

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Oh no the mediators are coming! Quick, stand your ground!

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Do they assemble all affected parties and play Michelle's "Kill Whitey" tape?

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If you say Furious Wingnuts it kind of sounds like a delicious snack.

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OT, but I learned last night from her blissfully vitriolic twenty-minute screed at VA goobernor Bob McDonnell that you do not want Rachel Maddow to be angry at you.

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That reminds me, when does hoodie season open in Florida?

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Cue the continuation of the willful dismantling of civil rights legislation.

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Perpetual outrage machine is outraged perpetually.

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