Its going to take 3 hours of porn to get that image out of my head.

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that and the prison series they've been doing on and off over the last few years.

only goddamned investigative journalism going on anywhere.

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i am personally fond of 14th scotland.

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THAT was the series / reporter i was trying to recall. he did some prison series too i believe.

looking forward to the pro publica piece

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Rings a bell.

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Bravo Ms Katz! No cots for goatherders. Also, no vaginal probes. And get rid of the security screening at airports. Hooray for libertarianism!

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The LORD separated the night from day so we would know when to sleep and when to work. This is Genesis. I always pitied the unlucky bastards who lived near the poles.

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Will no one think of the kids, not to mention the billies and nannies?

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No one comments like ewe do.

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The Tea Party is God’s judgment on us for teaching our parents how to use the Internet.

That is all.

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Yeah, but with the tax increase on those making over $250,000, who can afford to hire a goat herder anymore?

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