Certain factions of "Founding Father truthers" are still unable to reconcile themselves to the generally-accepted historical and DNA evidence that white Founding Father squad captain Thomas Jefferson was perenially knocking up one of his black slaves, mostly for the twin reasons that a) as the American reincarnation of Jesus, Thomas Jefferson was not supposed to be sleeping around, and b) he was white.
What they called "yellow" back in the day. (I wonder how many Textards know who the "Yellow Rose of Texas" really was.)
Eminently unhappy with the majority opinion issued years ago. Put the minority into one room, and presto! -- instant assembly of "eminent" scholars, who rehash the same evidence and come up with -surprise - their own conclusion.
Truther-type web pages and their boneheaded adherents coming in 3, 2, 1...
Also, it's said that Sally looked a lot like his dead, much-beloved wife, too. But of course a widower shtupping his wife's lookalike half-sister is just SO IMPROBABLE.
Putting "Heritage" in the name of an organization is a pretty good indication of their orientation. And I am not excepting the American Heritage Dictionary from this. Some of those Indo-European etymologies look suspiciously "sanitized."
Wait, he named his son Madison?
What they called "yellow" back in the day. (I wonder how many Textards know who the "Yellow Rose of Texas" really was.)
Eminently unhappy with the majority opinion issued years ago. Put the minority into one room, and presto! -- instant assembly of "eminent" scholars, who rehash the same evidence and come up with -surprise - their own conclusion.
Truther-type web pages and their boneheaded adherents coming in 3, 2, 1...
So...the dissenters think he wore protection when he banged his slaves?
Also, it's said that Sally looked a lot like his dead, much-beloved wife, too. But of course a widower shtupping his wife's lookalike half-sister is just SO IMPROBABLE.
Hooooo, boy! I can't wait until Annette Gordon-Reed gets a hold of these fuckers and tears them to shreds.
Mere evidence is nothing, to a truther.
Those were white ladies. On the other hand, they were French ... this is gonna be a tough call for the truthertards.
Too hard to pronounce. "Mixed-of-kin", on the other hand, is a winner.
whoa whoa whoa let's not get ahead of ourselves here. as christine o'donnell said:
<i>You&#039;re telling me that the separation of church and state is found in the First Amendment?</i>
it is a bagger&#039;s job to question the liberal perceived order of things (&#039;facts&#039;) you know.
But wasn&#039;t Randolph gay?
Putting &quot;Heritage&quot; in the name of an organization is a pretty good indication of their orientation. And I am not excepting the American Heritage Dictionary from this. Some of those Indo-European etymologies look suspiciously &quot;sanitized.&quot;