I thought the strategy was: demonize the gays so that people maybe won't notice that the priests are molesting the children.

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Never...I would however beat them to death with votes.<br /><br />---

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"Have any of our Wonkette readers ever been to a Foreign Country?"

True story: I've been to Canada...not intentionally though. I was taking a day trip with my then wife and bro-sis-in-law and we ended up at a small border crossing in, I think, New Hampshire. Not ever having been this near an exotic country that was not mine, I asked the border guard if I could walk 30 feet on the Canadian side and take a rock. He was pretty cool about it and let me go. Of course today, post 9-11, I would have been shot just for asking.

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<i>¿Espana? </i>The wingnuts want to bring their special brand of crazy to a country with 25 percent unemployment and a housing crisis worse than ours?

Oh, I know...they all just want to see a bullfight. It's their kind of entertainment. The slaughter of the innocents, only with an hour of torture first. Plus cute ultra-gay outfits.

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<i>Como se muestra <a href="http:\/\/images.villagehatshop.com\/media\/images\/viewer\/191007HatcraftersToreadorBrocade\/medium_191007HatcraftersToreadorBrocade2.jpg" target="_blank">aqui</a></i>.

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Funny thing about rocks in the north east part of the continent...they all pretty much look the same. During one of my moves, I may have come across it and thought, why do I have this fucking rock. The memory of the trip remains however. It should...being trapped in a car with my then wife and her sister and bro-in-law has a way of searing its way into the memory.

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