I did a report on Ulysses in my Senior year. The Post Office had just stopped burning the imports.

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I read Catch-22 and a year later I lived The Things They Carried.

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That Heller was able to write a novel about the horrors of war and make it so goddamed funny is what makes him a genius, IMHO.

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You just type fuck and the net does the rest for you.

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Wassili Bourgeois. (Very bad Finnegan's Wake reference)

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Our band student teacher my senior year was a former Miss Ohio.

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RWNJs object to controversial things because the word "controversial" has 5 syllables and is difficult to pronounce if your brain shut off after third grade because God made it happen.

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The radical right never tire of this stunt. Karens gone wild.

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Considering that right wing authoritarianism is built around the idea that you're not supposed to question, I think that's the kind of learning they're most in favor of.

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Actually, I didn't get through Catch-22 the first time. I tried again when I was in the Peace Corps and dealing with the bureaucracy of two different countries, and I realized, "Holy fuck! This is fucking brilliant!" There are some works of fiction that require a certain level of experience or maturity before they make sense.

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They only want to teach controversial topics like intelligent design and climate denial. You know, the ones that aren't actually controversial so much as idiotic.

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How did they miss Slaughterhouse Five and A Catcher in the Rye?

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Controversial is thinking for yourself rather than blindly following your pastor and parents; the only true authorities on everything.

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Fuck WASP Alaskans. Alaska is a beautiful place populated by a lot of very ugly people.

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Work with me here.Maybe banning these books will make rebellious teenagers want to read them.*I mean, it's Wasilla-fucking-Alaska, what else is there to do besides smoke meth and knock up good, Christian virgins like Bristle Palin?

* Edit: It will be like "Footloose" -- with books!

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"Is there a reason that we include books that we've labeled as controversial in our curriculum? I would prefer they were gone."

God forbid kids like Track and Bristol Palin be asked to do some critcal thinking during their educational years. Don't want them to be corrupted by thinking about sexuality, brutality, etc.

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