Tell you what, let us slaughter 50% of the 'white' people on the planet (the approximate portion of the Jewish people killed during the Holocaust) and we will set you up with a nice piece of desert in Africa too, ok?

I find the idea of 'white superiority' kinda funny, because in anything that relies purely on skill and its objective assessment (pretty much any professional sport other than hockey), PoC flat out kick your butts, lol. If that ever applies to the rest of the world, you all are in for a surprise!

Have a great day!

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You mean the American 'civilization' that was built on theft from Native Ameri9cans and built by slave labor?

Im not racist, some of my best friends are white people!

Have a great day!

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I think we will be fine without all those room temp IQ fatbody losers that such a group represents, lol. It is always funny, but every time I see a picture of some 'master race' gathering, it is bloated fat, fishbelly white 'males', along with some of the skeeviest excuses for women I have seen in my life.

I look forward to you all forming your own country elsewhere probably as much as you do...

Have a great day!

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But is it a WHITE chicken?

Have a great day!

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Mitch, I think you are reading too much into my comment. I just think that you are a pathetic idiot and my unfortunate visualization of you is as a neck bearded, combo eating basement dweller with a monstrous gut.

You are just upset because guys like me have really big dicks, decent bodies, 6 footers and are attractive to women and you arent, despite being 'white'.

But again, I realize you are at a genetic disadvantage, like being born gay (and you might be, some of your fellow racists seem to be), being white isnt a choice.

Have a great day!

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One thing for Jews, another for Whites!

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William, you know absolutely nothing about the holocaust. Please stop speaking about it. That said, if you still want to learn, here is a great video. https://www.youtube.com/wat...

As Brexit has shown, things can turn around fast. Trump will win in November, so don't get so cocky, lol. Whites can easily go back to reconquering the world. In fact, Latin America is still currently ruled by a White elite and upper class. Lots of middle east leaders look to be White as well, such as Bashar al-Assad of Syria, and King Abdullah of Jordan.

From Russia to the Americas to Europe to the Middle East to Oceania, besides Asians and Jews, Whites rule the world. It's obvious that blacks cannot govern themselves, as the South African failure of a government has shown. Even Obama is half-White. PoC do not kick butts in anything really, besides maybe basketball, football, and running. What an accomplishment.

It doesn't apply to the rest of the world obviously. And by the way, you aren't even black. So for you to identify with ANY black accomplishments is in a way, false. REAL blacks in Africa kill mulattoes like yourself, because you are not pure African. Have a great day!

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Oh look it muh dik'd! No one finds you attractive, mulatto. That is a part of your own delusion. Someone calling you don't know online a name based on appearance, especially when you don't know what they look like, is a bit silly. Then again your photo may not be you, but I think it is. Being black is a genetic disadvantage, but then again you aren't black. Not everyone who insults you is gay, a loser, or fat, you half-breed. Maybe can you just respond to his points? Or does that hurt your brain too much?

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Browns gonna brown. They have no empathy to anyone, especially as a half-breed he has no loyalty to anyone. To any of the two or three races that make up his genetics.

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Yeah, the injuns built the United States of America! The founding fathers were really named Puking Drunk and Chief Injunatoa!

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Where are you getting your info? Every lefty I know wants a two-state solution. So does every Jewish person I know (yes, there are plenty of conservative Jews and they're just as loathsome as conservatives of other faiths -- which is why I don't hang around 'em). ..... 68% of Israelis support 2-state: http://forward.com/news/isr...

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Wait till they get hold of Reinhard Heydrich's joke book.

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Uhh, no. It might not be exclusively racist, but I can tell you that the vast majority of "cuckold fetish" porn involves a white man whose white wife is having sex with a black man. It ties into the "black men are sexual beasts with large penises" stereotype. Which, while it was originally about othering the black man--implying that he is just an animal--has now turned into racial fetishization. Make no mistake, racial fetishization may be "benevolent" racism, but it's still racism.

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No. Like sock puppets.

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It's the only time they care about the black community - bring up police brutality and see how fast those black babies they care about so much turn into thugs.

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Not "necessarily," racist, but it is very, very often. Not "necessarily" sexist, but it is pretty much all of the time.

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