just think in another generation, the oldtimey, evangelical, theocratic tyrants will have died off. couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch of folks.

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My favorite tee-shirt!

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hey now, logic is one of dem tools o' the debbil i been heerd of, ain'tn it? we don't like yur kind round hyar! hey skeeter, run get muh whuppin stick! we gots one of dem gay-luvin logic users hyar!

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and what do the wedding cakes look like and who will make them?

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... is what everyone was saying circa 2000 ... or 1990 ... or 1980 ...

"Operation Demographic Deathwatch" needs death panelling ASAP.

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Well, obviously wasn't the Catholic 3rd marriage.

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Huh huh huh huh.

You said 'oral arguments are underway'http://media0.giphy.com/med...

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And the entire Supreme court were once foetus, so conflict of interest on Abortion.http://stream1.gifsoup.com/...

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Sotomayor is divorced, Kagan never married, Ginsburg widowed, Thomas is married to a prominent conservative activist whose income he's often neglected to report and whose organization has frequently taken positions and submitted briefs on cases before the court, Scalia's wife does work for "Crisis Pregnancy Centers", an issue the court has ruled on, Breyer's wife is a member of the British aristocracy, Alito's wife was a law clerk, but now seems to be out of the workforce, Roberts is married to a high powered corporate lawyer.

Hmm, seems like you could find a few scandals in there. Oddly, they don't seem to be with the liberal justices.

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I can only assume that Scott Lively will have a nasty encounter with Haggard's Law some day.

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It won't happen. There is, a new generation of crazy Duggars reproducing like rabbits. We'll have brainwashed bigots for a while.

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boy, you're a bubble popper, that's what you are. poppity pop pop pop. i can't hear you, lalalalalalala. they're almost gone, they're almost gone.

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It's Obamacare. It's allowing the oldtimey, evangelical, theocratic tyrants to live longer, so we will be infested with the damned things for longer than anticipated. Thanks, Obama.

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