...Syrmopoulos, who is described in his author summary as an “investigative journalist,”...

So, "investigative journalist" is the new "consultant", which translates as an asshole who lost his job for being an asshole and can't get another job because they're an asshole?

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Don't forget the lack of control over body functions. That's the best part.

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My thinker hurts and it's your fault!

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I'd say more likely a college dropout who can't get a date and lives in his mother's basement. And an asshole.

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Also mimes

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"which as a few comments at Wonkette have said, they do not)." Well, this shows that you are at least paying attention to the comments - which DO NOT exist.

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It's cause all their kids are Juggalos.

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I don't know about him or anyone else. In my own case, I am not really a reptilian, but a serpent in appearance only. My striking resemblance to a giant serpent or snake is purely coincidental. It is most likely a result of convergent evolution or something like that, because my people have no genetic links to any known snake or reptile species, past or present -- we aren't even made out of the same kind of matter as them! And yeah, as a matter of fact I can shapeshift to some extent but I don't do that to deceive people. In fact, most human people can't even see me except under very unusual circumstances, regardless of the kind of shape I'm in. Which is probably a good thing, since it frequently spares me from embarrassment.

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Of course I am.

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Good. My faith in non-humanity has been restored.

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Y'know, a simple 'kinda' would have been sufficient. It would have saved you a ton of typing.

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The Onion hasn't published anything original or clever in at least a decade. No, they absolutely should NOT have a monopoly on satire, because they suck at it. National Report is edgy and pushes the envelope... it's at least fifty times better than the Onion, and reminiscent of what the Onion used to be before everyone in the world learned who they were. If stupid people can't figure out that they're looking at a satire website, that's on them, not on the site.

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Writing and posting that particular reply served an ulterior purpose. It had been in the planning stages for months. It contained information that I wanted to put out there for my colleagues in the snarkerati. I felt that certain things needed to be explained but I was waiting for the right opportunity to shoehorn them into a reply. I am still assessing whether or not this was in retrospect that right opportunity.

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ACLU is actually defending juggalos from persecution right now, so who is more fake? A conservative who swaps the terms "hate group" and "gang", or a liberal who says it's completely fake and doesn't acknowledge the actual government oppression of juggalos that ctually happens?

Methinks this wonkette article backfired. It could have been a good article that helped if they hadn't brought the juggalos into it. Probably the only time in my life i'll mutter that sentnece, haha.

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Anti-hate groups are the real hate groups.

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The He-Man Woman-Haters club?

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