I hope it made Glenn Beck pee down both legs.

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Remember when we mocked the "Million" Teabagnut Rallies, because nobody showed?

For us to make an equivalently completely fucking idiotic point as Jim Hoft, we would have had to mock them because of how the not-even-thousands of attendees actually PAY TAXES!!1 HAW HAW SUCH HYPOCRITES!!!!


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SMOTI says that flinging trash around for someone else to clean up is a bad thing, and tries to make a point that those who do it are bad.

Now pay attention, fucking HOFTwit: burning fossil fuels flings trash around, in the air. But you want to deny that this is <b>also bad</b>?

<i>Who's</i> the fucking hypocrite, again??

Guy who doesn't think humans have any significant negative affect on their environment is concerned that people left garbage... which doesn't actually affect anything, because, uh, um, DERP?

That'll do, Stupidestman. That'll do.

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The difference is that Republicans don't believe they are hypocrites, sort of a pathological problem if you ask me.

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Well, where do you think Maxwell's Demons come from?!

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It's something to do with scarves. Apparently, French women can do things with scarves the rest of the world can only dream of.

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That explaons the Koch brothers ... but what about the rest of 'em?

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That Jeebus -- he's such a prankster!

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300,000 liberal, tolerant people ... every nutbar in the city was attracted to this audience.

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"Climate Evolution Deniers." That is supposed to actually mean something?

HA HA LIBS! You are all "Herpes Sore Avoiders" and "Shit Sandwich Rejecters!" BURNT!

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The organizers invited many, many groups to participate ... crass self-promotion was extremely rare, as far as I could see - and I walked the whole route.

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low country in the Carolinas for me plz! or soon to be lower than low country.

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If you do care, then to these folks you're a hypocrite if you produce 1 nanogram of trash while advocating against companies that want to dump sludge by the metric ton into the environment.

If you don't care, you're a Republican.

On the whole, being a hypocrite seems more attractive than being a Republican.

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Wonkette was represented. You're welcome.

The crowd was guesstimated at 312,000 -- it was the biggest event in NYC in decades. The amount of trash was actually quite small, in reality. (Yeah, I know ... "reality". Haha.) Many marchers also drank bottled water, and then crammed the empty plastic bottle down a dolphin's throat, further proving that AGW is a hoax.

Good thing Beck's Bedwetters didn't notice the anarchist contingent (scary black flags and all.) I'm not quite sure how anarchy fixes the climate - unless it rolls society back to a pre-industrial stage (maybe this whole "Paleo" trend is getting out of hand?) - but there they were.

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These guys dream about getting a hundred people to show up: A million trucks? A million bikers? A million hoverrounds? It makes them (even more) crazy to see someone else winning the street.

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Gravity isn't settled either. I dropped a spoon on the floor this morning and it bounced <i>up</i>.

F = Gm₁m₂/r² my ass. Suck it, Sir Isaac! Plus it was cool out this morning so global warming is over.

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