wingtards can say ' you lie' to POTUS, but they daren't do more than smirk at queen nancy.

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I bet the Russians did it; or at least, supplied the means. If the Israelis wanted him dead, wouldn't they have just shot him? Nothing for them in making it look like a natural event, right?

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All while brandishing her knuckle-slapping ruler.

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Nancy is awesome, but she needs to duct-tape that hand of hers to her hip.

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Hey this is a fun game!

Senator John McCain got snippy with Barack Obama over Susan Rice

Governor Rick Perry got snippy with patriotic Americans by saying Texas may secede

Representative Michele Bachmann got snippy with sane people by saying the State Department was being run by the Muslim Brotherhood.

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I perused the comments in blaze world. Those people are not nice. We may have a mean thing or two to say, but they take themselves so seriously:<blockquote>Nancy you doddering old b*tch go change your diaper.</blockquote> <blockquote>We can’t get rid of the Communists till we defraud our elections.</blockquote> <blockquote>What a freakin idiot Polosi is! She looks like some spastic ol bag on drugs and don’t make a lick of sense. </blockquote> I kinda like the last one, except I'd replace "Pelosi" with "Limbaugh".

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as does Clint

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Looks like the war on caterpillars is going full blast...

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i'm just waiting ti find out if the israelis poisoned arafat.

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The Blaze: if they printed it, I'd burn it.

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Didn't there used to be a tradition that members don't address each other by name, but rather as "the gentleman from Texas"? And didn't there also used to be a tradition that all remarks were addressed to the speaker, rather than directly to another member? And weren't these traditions borrowed from the Mother of Parliaments, over their in Good Britain? And can't you read about this in Trollope's lesser novel <i>The Way We Live Now</i>, in which a railroad-building plutocrat gets elected and tramples on all these great traditions?

Maybe they've let all that go, along with the idea of actual "debate," in the sense of listening to each others' arguments. Oh well...you gotta fill those hours on CSPAN somehow.

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I would like for it to get a lot snippier, like Prime Minister's Questions.

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