Never heard it phrased that way! xD

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He also apparently claimed Ivanka showing up was a big part of why the crowds and why the curling team won. Even made the curling guy thank him for the support.

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Hey, on the bright side, Trump didn't mock the Paralympians' disabilities!

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True story: through work, I went to a lovely Sunday afternoon outdoors event at the White House during Shrubya's time. Afterwards, there was food then organically sort of a receiving line had formed for people to get his autograph/sing his praises. I wasn't interested so tried to slowly back away as he approached. I wound up backing into Laura (!), which I didn't know until her "excuse me!" So I could only go forward and that is right when he arrived at my spot, Sharpie in hand and reaching for my program. I did check eBay but it didn't command a lot. I had thrown it into the glovebox where it stayed until we sold the car. It is now somewhere in the house.

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I think you should tell John Heilemann that. Not kidding.

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Of course he did. He can't even go 5 minutes without taking credit for something like the sun rising that day.https://media.giphy.com/med...

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Thrump got an orange ribbon once, so he gets it.

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I know! I was laughing so hard I couldn't tell my husband about President Beef Poots.

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I have a mad crush on Jessie Diggins, now even moreso.

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I wouldn't go unless all the SS agents were issued an extra pen for the paperwork after the event. I'm considerate to the grunts in the trenches.

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It's what happens when the delusional subject feels the "real" reality pushing in on the bubble. His babbling is the manic equivalent of Kirk's "Warp power to the shields, Scotty!"

I always though it would be a good idea to power up the shields to max BEFORE combat, but I'm not a TV writer.


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Nah, for a dark ale, sure, but for a Merkin piss-lager like Miller, the extra chill kills the taste. Used to be the 1st run of the day was to establish the "Summit Stash".

The real thing is totally buried under a tree with a distinct blaze make and branch pointer. I'm not into sharing with strangers unless they can sit with me and tell some good dick jokes


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I'd have gone, not that I'm remotely qualified for the US Olympic team for just sooooo many reasons.... But I'd have worn a "Truck Fump" shirt if I went.

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At least he didn't bring up his Electoral College win, and compare it to the Olympians winning.

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Damn shame that bone spurs didn't disqualify him for POTUS.

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