Your advice comes 10 years too late for me, my friend.

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Somebody better go back and geet a shitload a' dimes....

Oh wait, wrong Slim Pickens movie. Sorry about that.

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And a spade makes a mighty fine delivery platform...

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This kid had a good one. <a href="http:\/\/ireport.cnn.com\/docs\/DOC-560398" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-560398">http://ireport.cnn.com/docs...

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Walker should take a tip from the last Harry Potter book, where it becomes clear just how far Voldemort's approval gets you.

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You need those wonderful folks to shoo the rats away from your food supply while you're at work.

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Teachers seem to be getting the shaft (not in the good way) in this country way to often lately. Seeing that the average intellect in the USA is comparable to a cold waffle we should be treating and paying our teachers better so we can attract and keep the best. Layoffs and wage cuts are not going to motivate anyone to go that extra mile it would take to teach little hyperactive glue sniffing Johnny to read.

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