"nice little job you got here, clerking this county and such. Be a shame it something happened to it. Just sayin' ..."

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It's only Constitutional if he says it is. What, you think that <i>judges</i> know as much about Constitutional law as two-bit mid-west party apparatchik A.G.s?

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Which bastion of higher learning gave this fuckwad a law degree?

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I'm afraid it is, pretty simply, fear of the Other. All of those tidy and clean towns and such are almost universally white. They <i>are</i> filled with nice people, in my experience, but they are nice people who have had almost zero personal contact with anyone outside their local demographic/religious bubble.

Both of my parents came from small towns in Wisconsin, but they -- and, as it happened, all of their siblings -- eventually moved to larger cities. My mom spent thirty years teaching primary school in inner-city Milwaukee. Most of her personal friends were black women. When she would go back to Roberts for the xx-th high school reunion, the folks that had stayed more or less in the area thought she was crazy. Or, maybe, exotic.

Rural Wisconsin is largely populated by those descendants of inhabitants of rural Wisconsin who never felt the urge to go elsewhere. They are not bad people, but they tend to regard anyone who is not pretty nearly exactly like them with great suspicion, and they can easily be persuaded to vote for bad people who exploit this suspicion.

I imagine the same can be said for the residents of other Midwest states.

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One hopes that the county clerks, aware of the fact that they have backing from a fucking Federal court, will have the cheeseballs to tell Van Hollen to cheddup.

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So the difference between the Attorney General of the State of Wisconsin and a mob enforcer is a J.D.?

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The law - it's so confusing. Isn't that why folks go to uh, LAW SCHOOL?

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"A squid eating dough in a polyethylene bag is fast and bulbous."

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Has cheese clogged the brains of the residents of Wisconsin?

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You should post a copy of the agenda. The wingnuts will love it.

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The enforcer used to be a juvie?

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<i>Gimme dat ole time religion Gimme dat ole time religion Gimme dat ole time religion It's good enough for me

Without yer new affliction Don't need yer new restrictions Gimme dat ole time religion It's good enough for me Awww, it's good enough for yoooouuuuu.</i>

-- Moonlight in Vermont

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Meanwhile, to the north of Wisconsin, yesterday the Province of Ontario confirmed in a general election that the Premier is a woman legally married to another woman!! Even better, it was NOT EVEN AN ISSUE.

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Nope, <a href="http:\/\/cmsimg.htrnews.com\/apps\/pbcsi.dll\/bilde\?Site=U0&amp\;Date=20140524&amp\;Category=MAN0101&amp\;ArtNo=305240157&amp\;Ref=AR&amp\;MaxW=300&amp\;Border=0&amp\;Van-Hollen-makes-stay-request-gay-marriage-case" target="_blank">not helping</a>

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