Ann Coulter was just on Tweety. She don't look like her heart's in it anymore--positively listless. Playing 36th banana to the guy who stole your racket kinda sucks, huh?

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Ha ! Funny Evan ! I agree " a la mode " is the only way to go. Aaah, now I'm hungry!

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There's so much bamboo in my back yard I'm afraid my father-in-law is going to have a Vietnam flashback.

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Dick and Liz Cheney beg to differ.

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I've never seen cheese on the top of pie here in Wisconsin. We're not monsters here in Wisconsin.*

*Scott Walker is the exception, of course.

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Cheesey pun.

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INCORRECT! The pie is warmed, and then the vanilla ice cream is scooped on top, only to run down the sides of the pie in a glorious explosion of warm pie and soft, melty ice cream.

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More like who cut the cheese.

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Which reminds me, I've decided to make a donation to Hilary every time I see one of those dickish anti-Hilary posts here.

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I live in the Twin Cities (Minneapolis-St Paul). If you love apples, and clearly you do, you should try and come here during apple season. ;-) So, basically September. The Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, out in Chanhassen (west metro suburbs) is basically the test facility for the University of Minnesota, which is heavily into apple breeding. They developed the Honeycrisp (which has been available longer here in Minnesota than elsewhere). Also Zestar, Sweetango, and a whole passel of others. Their Apple House is open during apple picking season, and you can buy very good apples basically at cost, because they're an educational institution and are mostly just defraying expenses by selling whatever they don't need for the studies. It's fun to go in there and buy bulk apples labeled with numbers instead of names, because they're varieties that have not yet been marketed, and which may merely end up being parents to yet another variety. The parents of each apple are listed as well, wherever known.

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The Limburger moat's a bit much.

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PDX has Benson bubblers.

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Cheese AND ice cream. Is that wrong?

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That's a Vermont thing. It's delish. Don't knock it.

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How do they run primaries in Wyoming, anyway? Do they just have a phone tree, or do all the voters in the state meet at the coffee shop and put their votes into a tissue box?

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