"Sorry, we can't afford to shut down parts of the city or provide you any security detail right now. So if you show up, you'll just have to deal with traffic and any potential risks that your secret service can't help with."

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"You're welcome to sit in Air Force One on the tarmac. Anyone who wishes to get into the airport for your campaign event has to have a boarding pass to get through security."

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I don’t know. Because it’s true? As I said, I’m a fan from when I was a young teenager.

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I get that, but it just feels like you’re trying to take down a guy who doesn’t deserve it.

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Not my intention in the least.

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I don't have anything snarky to say, I just want to give a giant thumbs up to what Robyn wrote here.

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Happy to see more Democratic elected officials making this connection:

-The chaos and violence in the streets that Trump is fear mongering will occur under a hypothetical Biden administration is actually happening for real right now under the Trump administration.-The escalation of chaos and violence isn't random or spontaneous, but a direct result of Trump and the GOP inciting violence and hatred for years—against people of color, liberals, immigrants, etc.

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He was entirely "real"; no rockstar pretense of any sort, just a regular fellow.

It has been damned gratifying to meet a few of my rock idols and find them to be just damned good people.

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like after natural disasters, or statesman's funerals, or gun massacres. the only time I can remember anything like that is when dick cheney went to new orleans after katrina, but a few people thought it was a bad idea, the governor didn't beg him to stay away.

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here's your lead zitheristhttps://www.youtube.com/wat...

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And yes, that is one of the best feelings in the world.

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Evers wrote. "I am concerned your presence presidencywill only delay our work to overcome division and move forward together."

FTFY governor

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He's also a great and very funny golf writer, by all accounts. https://ultimateclassicrock...

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Remember kids: your "president" does not give a single shit about any of you, including you cult members. If you turned on him, Donnie would throw you under the bus in a heartbeat.

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