They believed that people men of property would be wise enough to act in the best interests of the whole over the long term............


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Roberts dearly wants history to not consider him evil, so I guess he'll have to settle for stupidest Chief ever. Because he will be considered evil.

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Ta, Dok.NY gerrymandered to favor Democrats, and it was declared unconstitutional. Unless everything is fixed by the May deadline, that means two fucking primaries; the first in June and the second in August. Needless to say, this lifelong Democrat is upset.

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Flagged and blocked, you fucking useless asshole.

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You get Democrats to register as Republicans and kill that corrupt beast from the inside out.

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At a certain point it becomes, “Vote with your feet or stfu.” If you live in WI (or any other shithole state) and don’t like what the legislature has done, move. Because you certainly ain’t going to change the situation by voting. Move, and take your tax money with you. ESPECIALLY move if you own a business. It’s the only thing these fuckstains might eventually respond to.

I do understand that not everyone can afford to pack up and move to another state. And the answer to that is really just tots and pears, because as far as I can tell you’re fucked.

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I travel back and forth from red to blue districts here in WI regularly. While Milwaukee and Madison are making incredible progress in undoing systemic racism and generally swiftly moving forward politically and culturally; brand new "Trump: America's President" and "FJB Freedom" banners proliferate through the rural areas, and the mostly wealthy, Catholic people who live out in the burbs are continually whipped-up, white-hot angry about various conspiracies. It has to be cut off from its oxygen: Fox News.

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It's interesting given how loudly and often Republicans like to bang on about British tyranny before the US fought for its independence that they are setting about basically creating rotten boroughs in the US now.

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Crouching tiger vs. flying tiger.

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"Fraud vitiates everything?"

Chant that, I dare you!

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As far as I'm concerned, SCOTUS basically destroyed democracy with this decision. Not just in WI because now there is nothing stopping any other state republican majority lege from drawing maps in secret by republican leaning lawyers at taxpayer expense.

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It's legal because SCOTUS declared it legal. So did some other activist judges.

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Crouching Tiger, Hidden D'aaawgon

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Wisconsin is a 50/50 state with almost no 50/50 legislative districts

The only solution is revolution, the only direction is insurrection.

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"But they were all black! I'm white. How dare they record me."

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