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Judicial worse cause usually lifetime appointments. Almost impossible to recall. A guv can be recalled easier, or defeated in the next election.

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Fasching was like certain “transcendental experiences.” To wit: For those who have experienced it, no explanation is necessary. For those who haven’t, no explanation is possible.

Halloween was a real riot also too.

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That's what your computer is for.

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Synergistic effect of combining cheese, brats, sauerkraut, and beer. Leave one out and the risk drops substantially.

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I knew a gentle lady who did this.

If all ya got is warm beer and ice, combine them and drink quickly, because dilution.

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or put it in the freezer for a few minutes

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That is actually one of the talking points here in town for why there is no real problem.

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Patience Roggensack... who writes this shit, Thomas Pynchon?

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Kinda. Mostly it's "judicial activism" when it's a liberal ruling, and it's "following the Founders' intent" when it's their way.

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Me in chat: This is going to get weird. I'm going to make it weird.

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...And this is why we canceled our June vacation to Door County, just north of Green Bay...

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hugs. It's never easy.

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The fastest way to chill a bottle or can is to make a salt solution with ice water (lowers temperature of the ice bath) and submerge the can. Keep the can moving. Heat conduction is vastly more efficient through a liquid than through the air. Yes this does contradict my earlier post somewhat....

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Karen hairstyles aren’t a substitute for neutralizing antibodies

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Ironic thing is,if they believed that,the three conservative women on the Wisconsin Supreme court wouldn't even be on there,as most of the founders made clear they didn't believe women had any role in government.

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