How about insurance for nobody? I don't need insurance; I need healthcare. Maybe we can make healthcare affordable or free, and fuck health insurance in the ear.

EDIT: lol of course not, this is america

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My grandma made those at Christmas!

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Yuuuuge...But close enough

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I've often compared the Usurper to Milo Minderbinder. The difference is that Milo is generally well-liked and affable.

Now give me some cotton, it's time for lunch.

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Hey, you forgot PROFIT, the only thing that matters to those assholes.

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marijuana killed people?

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Huuuuuge just huuuuuge insurance. Right?

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HSAs are permanent. You are thinking of FSAs.

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None of Them, Gil!

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Probably going to be very similar to his simple plan to destroy ISIS.

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WaPo did not hit this nearly as hard as they should have. They need to be holding Trump to account but everyone (except Teen Vogue apparently) has gotten on that Trump dick faster than a ... Russian hooker after a drinking contests (does that work?).

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I think he divides it up between "us" a.k.a "people," a.k.a. Manhattanites, and "them," a.k.a. "the help," a.k.a. "residents of the Outer Boroughs."

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am I? Could be. My pretax medical spending account didn't aar

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Sick? What is "sick"?

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We're all gonna get fucked!FIFY

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