<i>Are there no soup kitchens? And the dumpsters - are they still in operation? Oh, from what you said at first I was afraid that something had happened to stop them in their useful course. I'm very glad to hear it. </i>

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Have you bought a lemon lately? They're like 79 cents each! We can't afford that shit.

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When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Assuming life also gives you sugar, water and ice. Otherwise, you're fucked.

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As the Repubicans exercise the political power they won in the last election, people have a chance to see their vision for America. It's all about the uterus and a safety net for billionaires. While the poor, unemployed, hungry (hungry!) people get to live a 19th century ideal of self-sufficiency in today's age of riches.

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"Please, sir, can I have some <strike>more</strike>?" fixed

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Exactly! Ending illegal immigration will save tons of money in "entitlements" but won't raise your cost of living, no sirree.

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You have to be at least upper middle class to buy guns&ammo.

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Delicious w/ Poverty Sauce and hobo beans!

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Eat the Rich!

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Their Bible doesn't have any of that "render under Caeser" stuff either

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It really does make you want to cry.

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Congratulations Junior, you are a success because after reading this, you've pissed me off, made me yell, and ask why in the hell the shit stain, tin foil hat wearing asshats Republicans are so hell bent on fucking with the people who built and run this country.

I have no snark this morning. Monday we honored those Americans who died for this nation - today our leadership issues it's latest "fuck you people" declaration.

Ken, hire Wonkette Jr. and let him post his picture and name. He/she is a good, honest, capable and witty person.

US Congress: Fuck you. I'm sure this comment will piss off downfister douchebag so I'm off to Brietbart's website to incite an electronic riot.

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Total Recall as policy guide.

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I checked out the New Mexico Independent story and it turns out that NM provides at minimum for each food stamp recipient the amazing sum of $25 per month. Twenty-five dollars PER MONTH. I'm sure a lot of people are getting more than that but still....think about it.

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McDonalds can't hire all those people without compromising the sterling level of quality they're famous for. Perhaps if they open up their dumpsters.

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Too bad the GOP doesn't know the difference between chicken shit and chicken salad.

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