The worst part is- it's stupidly easy to both open and concealed carry here. You can practically buy a gun from a vending machine. To be such a whiny little shit in a state with such lax guns laws is truly pathetic
Actually, unless he's a PROVEN danger to himself or others, the medical profession can't do dick without his consent. The way our commitment laws are designed, BEFORE he does something crazy, he can't be committed; AFTER he does it, well, who the fuck cares anymore?
Roller skating, eh? I bet this guy loves to <a href="http:\/\/\/wiki\/Glossary_of_figure_skating_terms#S" target="_blank">shoot the duck.</a>
Raging Rob sounds like a good name for porn actor but he would need to take off his guns to get work so that&rsquo;s never going to happen since I&rsquo;m sure he can&rsquo;t &ldquo;perform&rdquo; without a loaded weapon.
Ugh... he had to be from Arizona
The worst part is- it&#039;s stupidly easy to both open and concealed carry here. You can practically buy a gun from a vending machine. To be such a whiny little shit in a state with such lax guns laws is truly pathetic
Because I am armed, you are polite to me. Easy peasy.
OTOH, I am a raging asshole, but that would be true whether I was armed or not.
Nothing says &quot;badass&quot; like ceramic animals and little plastic cars.
Actually, unless he&#039;s a PROVEN danger to himself or others, the medical profession can&#039;t do dick without his consent. The way our commitment laws are designed, BEFORE he does something crazy, he can&#039;t be committed; AFTER he does it, well, who the fuck cares anymore?
Oh I don&#039;t know. At least with open carry you know they&#039;ve got a gun.
He should go to Washington and show his passion before our new Congressional leadership. You know, for Freedum.
<a href="https:\/\/\/watch\?v=4e9CkhBb18E" target="_blank">&quot;You talkin&#039; to me?&quot;</a>
He&#039;s just showing off his ammosexuality.
Roller skating, eh? I bet this guy loves to <a href="http:\/\/\/wiki\/Glossary_of_figure_skating_terms#S" target="_blank">shoot the duck.</a>
Raging Rob sounds like a good name for porn actor but he would need to take off his guns to get work so that&rsquo;s never going to happen since I&rsquo;m sure he can&rsquo;t &ldquo;perform&rdquo; without a loaded weapon.
I&rsquo;m guessing that&rsquo;s his masterbatorium.
Just the kind of guy who should not be allowed to own any guns if you ask me.
We get it, Rob. You have a teeny peener. Now go fondle it somewhere else.
Violates the rules for radicals to say this, but it is wrong of me to hope he trips and, uh, falls outta the gene pool sometime soon?
Mouths usually have sharp, cutting teeth. Might want to rethink that position, just sayin&#039;...
Is he afraid someone&#039;s gonna jump him in the parking lot and take his jumbo bag of Doritos and 18-pack of PBR?