Yeah, well, a Mormon legislator can't go around with a straight face condemning snake oil salesmen who make preposterous claims.

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That's why the Xtardian revisionist history books are trying to minimize his role in founding the nation. They'd just as soon pretend he never existed, but I think they find it hard to airbrush him out of the story entirely.

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The war on caterpillars is real.

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When the idea is to require background checks for guns, the 'Pubes say that's pointless because "criminals will get guns anyway". But for abortion regulations, no one says "forget it, women will get abortions anyway". They should at least try to be consistent about these things. Also create some jerbs.

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I'm inclined to agree, as far as purely elective abortions go. Medical problems are something else entirely.

Even with a sensible approach like that, you still end up battling religious zealots, who will try to put up impossible barriers allegedly "guaranteeing" that the medical reason is legit. Their motives have nothing to do with medicine, of course, but they'll seize on that excuse, and try to force you before a review board packed with conservatards.

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Jefferson would totally despise these asswipes - and Jesus would hardly be impressed.

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You can only gerrymander so many districts -- eventually, the dumbfuck demographic gets used up. What's needed then is a really motivated opposition, that gets out and votes with 80% participation, so only the hardest-core "safe" GOP districts actually manage to elect Republicans. They know this, which is why they've been trying to suppress minority votes. They'll try again next election, you can be 100% certain.

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party of fiscal responsibility!

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After passing this bill maybe they could find some time to try and kill Obamacare…. again.

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Has anyone noticed that no one in our congress seems interested in dealing with the economy? So far they have thrown shiny balls of tinfoil to distract everyone and rile them up:

1. BENGAZZZIIII!!!!!! 2. IRS, IRS, IRS 3. The spies are spying on people. 4. ABORTION!!!!!!

Now if they spent half the energy they spend avoiding the real problems and inventing new ones we could have things sorted.

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Fairly certain that ol' TJ is not among the republican's list of top 10 founding fathers.

All that deism heresy, talk about keeping church out of government, liberal claptrap shit almost qualifies him as a commie.

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I'm getting the weirdest feeling that you are exasperated.

I think I may have ESP.

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Mary Bono Mack don't be trying to sound vaguely reasonable as a Republican. Isn't that how you lost your last election?

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Yeah! It's the Dems who are the real Sexists/Racists/Bigots/Homophobes/Religious Oppressors!

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