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not for nothing but guy still looks gay as fuck.

i guess he has a long way to go to being not gay no more.

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I just realized many of these twolls are the same people who would torment us on Hatewatch whenever there was a thread about guns.

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And they are the flat out Alt White Proud Boys types who are rude

I'm fine talking with polite conservatives - even the gun guys - because I have those Southern manners and look good in a gown and crinolene (I can very much play a Southern Belle if needed) - but those alt-white types are just twolls

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Like Milo, Deputy Dan has no friends either.

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Yeah, me too, I can't imagine that being legal.

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Personally, I think it is a way to "hide in plain sight." The poor guys that got caught (being who they are) by a disapproving church, need a way to pretend they have been "rehabilitated" So they go through the torture regime. Marcus, on the other hand, gets to "tempt" young boys and gets all the action he wants, while raking in those tax-free bucks. And he either hires a sadist or has that trait himself, for those he can't seduce.

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You don't get it. This is business.

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Likely - and the torture regime might also appeal to those who are not just repressing their sexual orientation

Fundamental Christianity can work for submissive women (the Christian corporal punishment of wives thing is a blatant example of people trying to put a Christian spin on their kinks) but not nearly as well for submissive fundy men

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I now have some guy threatening to ban me from a site I've never visited for the simple act of downvoting his friends.

Guess I made my point.

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One of his "pro-Israeli" friends made some not at all veiled anti-Semitic references to bankers.

And that seems to be more evidence of Russian twoll presence on that page - very revealing

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That woman keeps going on and on and on about me.

I clearly got under her skin.

It's hilarious.

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Nope. Still not straight.Sad that he can make money off people.s bigotry like this.

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Bless her heart.

But you went to a Yankee School 🐊🐊🐊, so no wonder you don't understand that the truth is only taught by Bob Jones University (which might be giving her too much credit)

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A thing frequently described as "torture" and condemned by pretty much every mental health authority in America? Hmm?

Hunh, I'd have guessed Milo was into being tortured, not performing the torture.

He's gotta be a kinky m-f.

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Lord Incel is still going on about me - claiming I am not an attorney because he didn't know the answer to his own question, bless his heart

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