With Trump's and Cruz’s Leads Shrinking In Texas, Paxton And Abbott Double Down On Terrorizing Abuelas And Lying
Disgusting and pathetic.
So, last week, Texas Rangers sent by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton broke down doors at 13 houses and pointed guns in the faces of children, elderly grandmas, House District 80 Democratic candidate Cecilia Castellano, the head of Tejano Democrats Manuel Medina, and members of the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC). Which did not even happen to Ken Paxton when he was indicted for securities fraud!
The Rangers seized 65 phones and 41 computers, plus documents and photos, desperately seeking some of that “voter fraud” and “ballot harvesting” that they’ve been claiming is more plentiful than toe-biting bugs down there.
Thirteen people raided, and Paxton didn’t rustle up enough evidence to charge a single person with anything. NADA! Castellano says her opponent has been harassing her construction business with daily records requests, as well. Because that’s just the kind of folks those Texas Republicans apparently are.
In 2022 the State Bar of Texas even sued Paxton for misrepresenting claims of voter fraud. Did it slow him down, heck no! Over the past three years he’s still spent about $3.3 million of taxpayer dollars fruitlessly looking for the fraud that he well knows is not there.
LULAC has asked the Department of Justice to investigate this cojones-out voter suppression and intimidation, and a judge has scheduled a hearing for September 12 to force Paxton’s office to justify their mierda warrants with some actual evidence of some kind of possible crime.
The “probable cause” for the raids, according to the warrants, was that a whining loser GOP candidate thought that some handwriting on different ballots looked similar. Seriously, that’s it. And never even mind that the Republicans actually won all of the counties where the claim came from in the first place. Maria Bartiromo’s friend’s husband saw some Latino-looking people in line at the Texas DMV one time!
But when has a lack of evidence ever stopped Republican Governor Greg Abbott and Attorney General Paxton from simply lying their nalgas off? Paxton went on The Joe Pags AM radio show to claim Joe Biden personally brought immigrants over the border from “cartels” illegally and gave them new Social Security numbers at the border, but “we’re onto the scheme.”
Even right-wing Joe Pags balked at this loco, ferkakta allegation:
“A lot of people are going to say Ken Paxton is a conspiracy theorist, he’s making it up [...] Let’s get real about this, do we have proof that in previous elections illegal aliens have voted?”
Paxton: “Yes, we know the illegals, we also know that they’re given Social Security numbers, we know that there’s no mechanism in place to stop them from voting [...] I know how they did it last time, they did it with mail-in ballots.” He continued, “no one anticipated the federal government would work around laws to try to get illegals to vote. But here we are.”
Here we are! Vibes and feels are not proof, poopsie. According to the Heritage Foundation itself — you remember, they’re the Project 2025 guys — out of millions of votes cast, there have been three cases of noncitizens voting in Texas since 1979. Of the perpetrators, one was a civic-minded identity thief and two were residents who mistakenly believed they were eligible. And they got 10 and 8 years in prison, and 5 months’ probation, respectively. Sounds like a pretty strong mechanism.
Not to be outdone in the fibbing Olympics, on Tuesday Greg Abbott announced that his office had removed more than 1 million “ineligible” voters from state rolls, including “more than 6,500 noncitizens,” of which “almost 2,000 have cast votes.” Well, why doesn’t someone go arrest them, then? Oh, that’s right, because he is making totalmente imaginario shit up.
Why are Republicans so scared in Texas that they need to resort to harassment, even cowboy-booted raids on their political opponents at dawn? As it happens, Trump and Cruz are still ahead in the polls there, but their leads have been steadily shrinking since Kamala Harris got in the race, and have gone from double digits to five and two points, respectively. Texas Democrats have become a real credible threat, and they’re getting more pissed off by the day.
Maybe most Texas don’t want abortion restrictions that have led to a 13 percent rise in infant deaths and nine out of 10 maternal mortalities being preventable. Or the threat of citizens’ non-citizen spouses getting deported, a shitty power grid, or rural public schools closing so Abbott can give rich suburbanites vouchers to go to a private Christian segregation academy. Maybe Texans don’t even want the creep senator who left his poodle Snowflake behind in a house with no power while he partied in Cancun. And probably they don’t want to live in a Russian-style police state where the fraudster attorney general terrorizes people’s abuelitas, either.
It’s possible that after 12 years of wet bag of flour Ted Cruz, voters might prefer his opponent Collin Allred, a civil rights attorney with a brilliant smile who was captain of the Baylor football team and played in the NFL. Here he is killing it at the DNC, isn’t he amazing?
If you were Ted Cruz, imbued with all the charm of a tits-up armadillo corpse rotting on the shoulder of the road, the last person anyone normal would want to be stuck sitting next to at a barbecue, you’d probably be worried too.
If you live in Texas, you can still register to vote until October 7. Tell your friends!
A reminder - LULAC, for the first time in its history, endorsed Harris and Walz.
I feel like this is at least part of the reason that LULAC officials were raided, in addition to the polling that indicates Harris and Walz have a shot at TX.
Ken Paxton should be in prison. He was indicted for securities fraud, and then .. nothing happened. Well, there was stuff going on the courtroom, but for 10 years there was no trial. Then just a few months ago, the charges were dropped. Paxton agreed to pay $300k in restitution, do some community service and "15 hours of legal ethics education." (https://apnews.com/article/ken-paxton-texas-securities-fraud-9ed5eecc30c1f967ec51f7e58ad9d0af). Pretty sweet deal. Somehow this makes me think "liberty and justice for all" is more of a slogan than a reality.