You've seen the <a href="http:\/\/www.njleg.state.nj.us\/kids\/seal.asp" target="_blank">NJ state seal </a>, right?

(I hope Jon Stewart gave a bonus to the staffer who pointed that out!)

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Well, she would certainly need relief... so, you say her name was Sandy?

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Like a Bridgegate over troubled Watergate I will lay me down.

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<b>Lieutenant Governor Guadagno</b>

Oh god, more proof that fiction can <i>never</i> beat reality. "Guadagno" is the Italian word for "profit, gain, advantage, benefit, earnings."

If David Chase or Scorsese had given that name to a politician in a screenplay, they'd have been yelled at for being too obvious.

Next up: State Attorney General Massimo Feccia. GOP state party leader Alfonse Tangente.

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Joysey's Jovial Jawls like Gobbernor chances of bein prezzident is going to hell purty damn quick me thinks

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Jersey pols are crooked? Who'd a guessed?

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New Jersey: Where everything is legal until you get caught.

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Is this part of the original "Fat & Furious" or a sequel?

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“I am not a bully.” This is not a good catch phrase but I think Christie is stuck with it.

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Is it just me, or does that guy in the hat at the top right of the poster look like Ted Cruz?

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