Is that the K.Y. Pipeline that Obama is opposed to? I can see why he might want to shut that thing down.

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It's disgusting and sad. And even sadder is that these men can't see that they're degrading themselves almost as much.

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Gee, let me see, a few drag shows and a penchant for cardigans versus religiously motivated self-hatred manifesting as misogyny and murder? How ever will I decide!

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Oh you Unitarians!

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Trotskyites? Would that be the Fourth International House of Pancakes?

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There are only two ways to hang on to obscene wealth and power: (1) maintain a monopoly on organized violence, or (2) convince the sheeple that God intended it. The former seems to work for a bit longer than the latter.

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We're gonna have to do something extra special for this dude.

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There's an entire two books of Genesis from which to choose "things to interpret" (because metaphorical) and "things to believe" (because God). A single word, "creationist", can't possibly cover the whole range; even the old earth/young earth dichotomy won't do. (Are you a "creationist" if you believe God did the Big Bang, and is just watching things play out?)

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I don't think "fraughttage" is how you spell it.

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My S.E.O. consultant keeps insisting he can fix that, but so far I've not been impressed.

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I'd not make the "average intelligence" assumption quite so readily. Not that it should alter your conclusion.

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Most likely!

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As with all religions, the purpose of this one is/was to degrade women.

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Just wait, Pat Robertson will soon be blaming this on us Atheist.

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Also, not be murdered, I heard.

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