Probably from one of those correspondence schools you hear about on late night AM radio shows brought to you by the All Brethren Church of the Sacred Bleeding Heart of Jesus.

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This is what happens when you leave the door of the double-wide open.

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I should probably also include, along with "ignorant" and "dumb", people who have information about sex and reproduction intentionally withheld from them by sexually conservative institutions. "Ignorant" is kind of a harsh word to use for people who are being lied to and manipulated that way.

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RFID chips.

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Listen, I've been stuck one short of a round number for at least three weeks. I'm happy to throw you a fist, but I've given up on the algorithm. It kind of seems like errbody has been stuck for a few weeks.

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As Homer Simpson has said: <i>Just teach your kids to hate the same things you do and they practically raise themselves.</i>

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As Homer Simpson has said: <i>Just teach your kids to hate the same things you do and they practically raise themselves.</i>

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My only slight correction would be to point out that it was EXACTLY the time of Reagan. This is why I detest the memory of the fucker, and of all his fucking cronies and puppeteers, some of whom are, sadly, still alive, so I have to detest them in the present.

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Y'know, I was gonna mention that a few hours ago, and then got distracted and didn't. A lot of people use the phrase the way EQ did. It'll probably go the way of "literally" pretty soon.

I wouldn't feel bad. He's a fucking Ph.D. (If you missed my comment back when you told us, big congratulations, E). He's got to be immune to academic critique by now.

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I think that was a bigger edge in 1914.

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Silly. <i>Alice</i> did the carpets.

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Well, this is probably true! If everyone around you is equally batshit in an identical manner, it's quite harmonious!

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"Pointed comparisons of mom to a clown car." Jeebus, I love you guys.

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100 years ago, women had a lot of babies because there wasn't a lot of available contraception and to counteract the high infant mortality rate. Today its to either get a reality tv contract, or they're too dumb or ignorant to understand the economic disadvantages of large families and the strain population growth puts on society and the world's resources. So...progress!

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Jews have matchmakers and Muslims and Hindus have arranged marriages. Some bible thumpers are missing out here.

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