Elect Mitt Romney and we can finally be free of this sort of oppression!

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Well, it IS a black mans world now, I haven't paid for shit in 4 years! And I can't keep these white chicks from breaking down my door. Well, that last part is not new..

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"Hey, cabbie, GET LOST! It's like a guy can't even wave to a friend anymore!"

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But, y'know, all those law professors DO look alike....

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Let me buy you a virtual drink.

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I'm getting pretty weary of sharing a world with Jerome Corsi.

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Ethel Mormon.

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i totally went to that party.

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Ted Nugent can confirm this story.

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<i>" One of those men was Obama. This was long before anybody knew Obama, before he became famous like he is today.”</i> Then she went on to say "I think it was Obama but all those darkies look alike". For some reason Corsi took that part out.

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And when you have this coat room sex, you could never lock the door to get a few minutes of privacy because coat room doors just never lock. True fact.

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Gay sex at Rev. Wright's house. A new meaning for bi-polar.

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"I went to the room where all the coats were on the bed, because I wanted to leave," said Hazel. "I didn't go into the bedroom for any other reason," she continued. "I only asked my gentleman friend to help me lift all the heavy coats because I was on the bottom. My coat! My coat was on the bottom." She paused a moment. "It might have been a room on the spaceship made up to look like a bedroom at Rev. Wright's house. I can't be sure about that," she added.

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There's no business like blow business, there's no business I know . . . .

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This isn't a dog whistle, it's a dog siren! ~Tucker Carlson

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