As I recall, Thomas Jefferson wasn't terribly fond of the whole Free-Speech thing.

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<i>This comment came a day late and a dollar short, so no one's paying attention anyway</i>

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He isn't the 'other rush' he is the 'clayton jones' of the wnd kkk.

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Now, there's a God I could get behind.

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Thanks for that memory. What a sniveling shitweasel that was.

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That would make a great Wonkette handle!

Mal Arkey.

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"...after Mitt Romney brought up Obama’s 2009 'Apology Tour,' the press did their best to support Obama’s claim that this never happened, despite boundless reams of footage that exist chronicling the event."

It was boundless, all right. Fantasy has no limits, as it isn't tethered to reality.

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<i>This comment sees what you did there.</i>

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Well isn't that convenient! Who knew that the death panels were actually real, and staffed by WND thinkers!

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<i>"the political disenfranchisement of liberals, progressives, socialists and Marxists can begin in earnest, and in the open"</i>

<blockquote>Congress shall make no law ... abridging ... the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.</blockquote> Too much freedom?

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seditiious, pro-American policies are okay. (pro-<i>real</i> American, that is)

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That's quite the dog whistle for those with itchy tr|gger fingers.

Yay Liberty.

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No one ever said "political disenfranchisement" would be tidy.

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The whole idea behind improving the economic indicators and lowering the unemployment rate is that it'll be so much more <i>devastating</i> when the country is destroyed during the President's next term! Bwah hah hah hah hah!

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Norm Coleman?

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Wow. That is some world-class malarkey.

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