Obama is not natural-born because he sprung full-armored from the head of Zeus.

Either that, or he was from his mother's womb untimely ripp'd, which as we know means that he is one badass motherfucker, and being a badass motherfucker is what makes a president legitimate.

This explains why Arnold Schwartzenegger was a two-term president despite having been the love child of Amon Goeth and Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger.

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They don't love their children the way Republicans do. They don't respect family values. They have no concept of fiscal responsibility. They lack even the slightest clue about protecting this great nation.

/ bleah

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Another <i>Chief </i>Justice.

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it came with the Discern Award

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actually in 1961, both parents had to be US citizens if the child was born abroad, or If only one parent was a US citizen, he or she must have resided in the US for 10 years, at least 5 of them after they are 16 years old. The wingnuts like to get hung up on the fact that Ann was 18 when he was born, meaning that she couldn't confer citizenship- not having resided in the US for at least 5 years after her 16th birthday (this requires being too stupid to either realize Hawaii is a US state or to believe he was born somewhere overseas)

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green grass and high tides forever...

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The birthers with their earnest, simple-mindedness, their willingness to treat supposed "rules" and "regulations" and "laws" that existed only in their childish minds as "facts", were annoying at first, but now they are just another part of the Great GOP Clown Show. What was the term, borrowed from JS Mill? "The Stupid Party"?

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The funniest part is that these clowns actually believe that Roberts is going to fear the threat of impeachment from the very same goofs who have utterly failed to impeach Obama in the first place...

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The WND comment section is not buying into this crap which makes you wonder who does?

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<i>they have demanded that Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts refrain from swearing him in</i>

Looks like "they" are going to spend the Inauguration Day on their couch, crying into a chenille throw and eating Baked Lay's.

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"How, then, is the highest court of law in the nation any different than that pictorial proverb in Japan of the three monkeys who see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil?"

I KNOW!!! One has nine members and the other only has three so the first one is BIGGER!!

I love math problems...

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Besides, one of them has a member that doesn't speak at all, so that's different than speak no evil too also...

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took care of those while wiping up all the excess drool...

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I thought the gay three-legged gecko with distemper was a Cockney insurance salesman

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Can't wait to see their reasoned response to the six non-natural-born Presidents our Editrix listed...!

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That's not easy to determine, what with the nictitating membranes and all.

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